Man pages for openairmaps
Create Maps of Air Pollution Data

addPolarMarkersAdd polar markers to leaflet map
addTrajPathsAdd trajectory paths to leaflet map
annulusMapPolar annulus plots on interactive leaflet maps
annulusMapStaticBivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
buildPopupBuild a Complex Popup for a Leaflet Map
convertPostcodeConvert a UK postcode to a latitude/longitude pair
diffMapBivariate polar plots on interactive leaflet maps
diffMapStaticBivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
freqMapPolar frequency plots on interactive leaflet maps
freqMapStaticPolar frequency plots on a static ggmap
networkMapCreate a leaflet map of air quality measurement network sites
openairmaps-packageopenairmaps: Create Maps of Air Pollution Data
percentileMapPercentile roses on interactive leaflet maps
percentileMapStaticPercentile roses on a static ggmap
pipePipe operator
polar_dataExample data for polar mapping functions
polarMapBivariate polar plots on interactive leaflet maps
polarMapStaticBivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
pollroseMapPollution rose plots on interactive leaflet maps
pollroseMapStaticPercentile roses on a static ggmap
quickTextHTMLAutomatic text formatting for openairmaps
searchNetworkGeographically search the air quality networks made available...
traj_dataExample data for trajectory mapping functions
trajLevelMapTrajectory level plots in 'leaflet'
trajLevelMapStaticTrajectory level plots in 'ggplot2'
trajMapTrajectory line plots in 'leaflet'
trajMapStaticTrajectory line plots in 'ggplot2'
windroseMapWind rose plots on interactive leaflet maps
windroseMapStaticWind rose plots on a static ggmap
openairmaps documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:07 p.m.