trajMapStatic: Trajectory line plots in 'ggplot2'

View source: R/traj_trajMap.R

trajMapStaticR Documentation

Trajectory line plots in ggplot2



This function plots back trajectories using ggplot2. The function requires that data are imported using openair::importTraj(). It is a ggplot2 implementation of openair::trajPlot() with many of the same arguments, which should be more flexible for post-hoc changes.


  colour = "height",
  type = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  npoints = 12,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  crs = sf::st_crs(3812),
  origin = TRUE,
  map = TRUE,
  map.fill = "grey85",
  map.colour = "grey75",
  map.alpha = 0.8,
  map.lwd = 0.5,
  map.lty = 1,
  facet = NULL,



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().


Column to be used for colouring each trajectory.

default: NULL

This column may be numeric, character, factor or date(time). This will commonly be a pollutant concentration which has been joined (e.g., by dplyr::left_join()) to the trajectory data by "date".


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which will appear as different panels. Passed to openair::cutData().


Column to use to distinguish different trajectory paths.

default: NULL

By default, trajectory paths are distinguished using the arrival date. group allows for additional columns to be used (e.g., "receptor" if multiple receptors are being plotted).

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Interval at which points are placed along the trajectory paths.

default: 12

A dot is placed every npoints along each full trajectory. For hourly back trajectories points are plotted every npoints hours. This helps to understand where the air masses were at particular times and get a feel for the speed of the air (points closer together correspond to slower moving air masses). Defaults to 12.

xlim, ylim

The x- and y-limits of the plot.

default: NULL

A numeric vector of length two defining the x-/y-limits of the map, passed to ggplot2::coord_sf(). If NULL, limits will be estimated based on the lat/lon ranges of the input data.


The coordinate reference system (CRS) into which all data should be projected before plotting.

default: sf::st_crs(3812)

This argument defaults to the Lambert projection, but can take any coordinate reference system to pass to the crs argument of ggplot2::coord_sf(). Alternatively, crs can be set to NULL, which will typically render the map quicker but may cause countries far from the equator or large areas to appear distorted.


Draw the receptor point as a circle?

default: TRUE

When TRUE, the receptor point(s) are marked with black circles.


Draw a base map?

default: TRUE

Draws the geometries of countries under the trajectory paths.


Colour to use to fill the polygons of the base map.

default: "grey85"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Colour to use for the polygon borders of the base map.

default: "grey75"

See colors() for colour options. Alternatively, a hexadecimal color code can be provided.


Transparency of the base map polygons.

default: 0.8

Must be between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Line width of the base map polygon borders.

default: 0.5

Any numeric value.


Line type of the base map polygon borders.

default: 1

See ggplot2::scale_linetype() for common examples. The default, 1, draws solid lines.


Deprecated. Please use type.


Arguments passed on to ggplot2::coord_sf


If TRUE, the default, adds a small expansion factor to the limits to ensure that data and axes don't overlap. If FALSE, limits are taken exactly from the data or xlim/ylim.


CRS that provides datum to use when generating graticules.


Character vector indicating which graticule lines should be labeled where. Meridians run north-south, and the letters "N" and "S" indicate that they should be labeled on their north or south end points, respectively. Parallels run east-west, and the letters "E" and "W" indicate that they should be labeled on their east or west end points, respectively. Thus, label_graticule = "SW" would label meridians at their south end and parallels at their west end, whereas label_graticule = "EW" would label parallels at both ends and meridians not at all. Because meridians and parallels can in general intersect with any side of the plot panel, for any choice of label_graticule labels are not guaranteed to reside on only one particular side of the plot panel. Also, label_graticule can cause labeling artifacts, in particular if a graticule line coincides with the edge of the plot panel. In such circumstances, label_axes will generally yield better results and should be used instead.

This parameter can be used alone or in combination with label_axes.


Character vector or named list of character values specifying which graticule lines (meridians or parallels) should be labeled on which side of the plot. Meridians are indicated by "E" (for East) and parallels by "N" (for North). Default is "--EN", which specifies (clockwise from the top) no labels on the top, none on the right, meridians on the bottom, and parallels on the left. Alternatively, this setting could have been specified with list(bottom = "E", left = "N").

This parameter can be used alone or in combination with label_graticule.


Method specifying how scale limits are converted into limits on the plot region. Has no effect when default_crs = NULL. For a very non-linear CRS (e.g., a perspective centered around the North pole), the available methods yield widely differing results, and you may want to try various options. Methods currently implemented include "cross" (the default), "box", "orthogonal", and "geometry_bbox". For method "cross", limits along one direction (e.g., longitude) are applied at the midpoint of the other direction (e.g., latitude). This method avoids excessively large limits for rotated coordinate systems but means that sometimes limits need to be expanded a little further if extreme data points are to be included in the final plot region. By contrast, for method "box", a box is generated out of the limits along both directions, and then limits in projected coordinates are chosen such that the entire box is visible. This method can yield plot regions that are too large. Finally, method "orthogonal" applies limits separately along each axis, and method "geometry_bbox" ignores all limit information except the bounding boxes of any objects in the geometry aesthetic.


Number of segments to use for discretising graticule lines; try increasing this number when graticules look incorrect.


Is this the default coordinate system? If FALSE (the default), then replacing this coordinate system with another one creates a message alerting the user that the coordinate system is being replaced. If TRUE, that warning is suppressed.


Should drawing be clipped to the extent of the plot panel? A setting of "on" (the default) means yes, and a setting of "off" means no. In most cases, the default of "on" should not be changed, as setting clip = "off" can cause unexpected results. It allows drawing of data points anywhere on the plot, including in the plot margins. If limits are set via xlim and ylim and some data points fall outside those limits, then those data points may show up in places such as the axes, the legend, the plot title, or the plot margins.


a ggplot2 plot

See Also


trajMap() for the interactive leaflet equivalent of trajMapStatic()

Other static trajectory maps: trajLevelMapStatic()


## Not run: 
# colour by height
trajMapStatic(traj_data) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colors = openair::openColours())

# colour by PM10, log transform scale
trajMapStatic(traj_data, colour = "pm10") +
  ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(trans = "log10") +
  ggplot2::labs(color = openair::quickText("PM10"))

# color by PM2.5, lat/lon projection
trajMapStatic(traj_data, colour = "pm2.5", crs = sf::st_crs(4326)) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(option = "turbo") +
  ggplot2::labs(color = openair::quickText("PM2.5"))

## End(Not run)

openairmaps documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:24 p.m.