Man pages for opera
Online Prediction by Expert Aggregation

check_lossFunction to check validy of provided loss function
check_matrixFunction to check and modify the input class and type
electric_loadElectricity forecasting data set
FTRLImplementation of FTRL (Follow The Regularized Leader)
lossErrors suffered by a sequence of predictions
mixture-operaCompute an aggregation rule
opera-packageOnline Prediction by ExpeRt Aggregation
oracleCompute oracle predictions
plot.mixturePlot an object of class mixture
plot-opera-rAmChartsFunctions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts
plot.oraclePlot an aggregation procedure
plt_oracle_convexFunctions to render dynamic oracle graphs using rAmCharts
predict.mixturePredict method for Mixture models
seriesToBlockConvert a 1-dimensional series to blocks
opera documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:07 a.m.