
axsearch<-function(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, 
              trace=0, ...){
# J C Nash 2011-8-2
# Axial search around supposed minimum
# Will need to add parscale, fnscale, etc. 
# For the moment, don't use ANY of the extra stuff except possibly minimize
# Work ONLY with a minimization in calculations, then translate message using minimize and fnscale.
bigval<-sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax) # ?? choices?? Should not be needed.
reltest<-100.0 # ?? choices again??
epst<-reltest*.Machine$double.eps^(1/3) # tolerance for step
fback<-rep(NA,npar) # for backward step function values
ffwd <-fback        # for forward step function values
parstep<- fback     # for the step sizes
tilt   <- fback     # for the tilts
roc    <- fback     # for radii of curvature
bestfn <- Inf  # to record best function found OTHER than fmin (if lower, then restart??)
# cat("In axsearch, par:")
#tmp<-readline("above are vectors par & lower ")
# print(upper)
# print(bdmsk)

# check bounds and masks
if (is.null(lower)) {
} else {
   if (length(lower) == 1) lower<-rep(lower,npar)
   else if (length(lower) != npar) stop("lower bounds vector of wrong length")
if (is.null(upper)) {
} else {
   if (length(upper) == 1) upper<-rep(upper,npar)
   else if (length(upper) != npar) stop("upper bounds vector of wrong length")
if (is.null(bdmsk)) {
} else {
   if (length(bdmsk != npar)) stop("bdmsk bounds and masks vector of wrong length")

if (is.null(fmin)) {
   fmin<-fn(par,...) # evaluate the function if we don't have a value
 # ?? test that this works??
# cat("fmin =",fmin)
fmin0<-rep(fmin,npar) #?? is this needed

# print(par)

for (j in 1:npar) { # loop over parameters
   if (bdmsk[j] != 0) { # check if NOT masked
# ?? Issue is that parameter may be in bounds, but not ON bound. Is function defined
# ON bound. 
#      cat(j, pkeep)
#      tmp<-readline(" <==pkeep")
      # step backwards
      # cat(j, parj, lower[j],"  pstep=",pstep," pkeep=",pkeep,"\n")  #??
      if (parj < lower[j]) { # out of bounds
         fb<-bigval # set to provide tilt and possibly roc, but leave NA in fback[] 
      } else { if ((reltest+parj)==(reltest+pkeep)) { # no change in parameter
                  fb<-fmin # no change in function
               } else {
                  fb<-fn(par,...) # check if admissible -- will be set to bigval otherwise
      if (fb < bestfn) bestfn <- fb
      # cat("bestfn=",bestfn,"  fb=",fb,"\n")  #??
      if (fb < fmin) { # lower value found
          if (trace>0) cat(fb, " *** LOWER ***\n")
          break # to end cycle -- parameters are reset at moment
      parj<-pkeep+pstep # step forward
      if (parj > upper[j]) { # out of bounds
         ff<-bigval # set to provide tilt and possibly roc, but leave NA in ffwd[] 
      } else { if ((reltest+parj)==(reltest+pkeep)) { # no change in parameter
                  ff<-fmin # no change in function
               } else {
                  ff<-fn(par,...) # check if admissible -- will be set to bigval otherwise
      if (ff < bestfn) bestfn <- ff
      if (ff < fmin) { # lower value found
         if (trace>0) cat(ff, " *** LOWER ***\n")
         break # to end cycle -- parameters are reset at moment
      par[j]<-pkeep # reset parameter value
      # compute tilts and curvature
      c1<-0.5*(ff-fb)/pstep # linear term -- should be zero
      c2<-(ff+fb-2*fmin)/(2*pstep*pstep) # quadratic term
      if (trace>0) cat("B[",j,"]=",pkeep," pstep=",pstep,"  f-, f+:",fb, ff,"\n")
      c0 <- 1+c1*c1 # denominator for curvature
      c0<-bigval # set large in case of singularity
      if (c1 !=0 ) c0 <- 1/c2 #  radius of curvature
      tilt[j] <- -45*atan(c1)/atan(1) # REM tilt 
   } # end if masked
     else { # action when masked
        fback[j]<- bigval # ?? or Inf?
        ffwd[j] <- bigval
} # end of loop over parameters
if (bestfn >= fmin) { bestfn<-fmin } # set it to be sure when we have no better fn
result<-list(bestfn=bestfn, par=par, details=data.frame(par0, fback, fmin0, ffwd, parstep, tilt, roc))
} # end axsearch.R

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