Man pages for ordgam
Additive Model for Ordinal Data using Laplace P-Splines

centeredBasis.genGeneration of a recentered B-spline basis matrix in additive...
DesignFormulaInternal function extracting design matrices from formulas in...
freehmsDataPerception of gay men and lesbians in Wallonia, Belgium.
freehmsDataBEPerception of gay men and lesbians in Belgium.
lmarg.gammaTildeMarginal posterior density function for a remapped...
lpost.gammaPosterior density function for the non-penalized parameters...
ordgamFit of an additive proportional odds model for ordinal data...
ordgam_additiveCompute the additive terms estimated using an 'ordgam' model
ordgam.objectObject resulting from the fit of an additive proportional...
ordregrFit a proportional odds model for ordinal data
ordregr_lpostLog-posterior function for a proportional odds model
ordregr.objectObject resulting from the fit of a proportional odds model...
Pcal.funCompute the penalty matrix associated to a vector containing...
plot.ordgamPlot the the additive terms in an <ordgam> object with its...
print.ordregrPrint an 'ordregr' or an 'ordgam' object.
sSpecification of smooth terms in formulas in the ordgam...
SNapproxSkew-Normal approximation to a density evaluated on a sparse...
STapproxSkew-t approximation to a density evaluated on a sparse grid
testStatSignificance test of an additive term
ordgam documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.