
#' add_osm_groups
#' Plots spatially distinct groups of OSM objects in different colours.
#' @param map A \code{ggplot2} object to which the grouped objects are to be
#' added.
#' @param obj An \code{sp} \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame},
#' \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}, or \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} (list of
#' polygons or lines) returned by \code{\link{extract_osm_objects}}.
#' @param groups A list of spatial points objects, each of which contains the
#' coordinates of points defining one group.
#' @param cols Either a vector of >= 4 colours passed to \code{colour_mat} (if
#' \code{colmat = TRUE}) to arrange as a 2-D map of visually distinct colours
#' (default uses \code{rainbow} colours), or (if \code{colmat = FALSE}), a
#' vector of the same length as groups specifying individual colours for each.
#' @param bg If given, then any objects not within groups are coloured this
#' colour, otherwise (if not given) they are assigned to nearest group and
#' coloured accordingly (\code{boundary} has no effect in this latter case).
#' @param make_hull Either a single boolean value or a vector of same length as
#' groups specifying whether convex hulls should be constructed around all
#' groups (\code{TRUE}), or whether the group already defines a hull (convex or
#' otherwise; \code{FALSE}).
#' @param boundary (negative, 0, positive) values define whether the boundary of
#' groups should (exclude, bisect, include) objects which straddle the precise
#' boundary. (Has no effect if \code{bg} is given).
#' @param size Size argument passed to \code{ggplot2} (polygon, path, point)
#' functions: determines width of lines for (polygon, line), and sizes of
#' points.  Respective defaults are (0, 0.5, 0.5).
#' @param shape Shape of points or lines (the latter passed as \code{linetype});
#' see \code{\link[ggplot2]{shape}}.
#' @param border_width If given, draws convex hull borders around entire groups
#' in same colours as groups (try values around 1-2).
#' @param colmat If \code{TRUE} generates colours according to
#' \code{colour_mat}, otherwise the colours of groups are specified directly by
#' the vector of \code{cols}.
#' @param rotate Passed to \code{colour_mat} to rotate colours by the specified
#' number of degrees clockwise.
#' @return Modified version of \code{map} with groups added.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_polygon geom_path
#' @export
#' @section Note:
#' Any group that is entirely contained within any other group is assumed to
#' represent a hole, such that points internal to the smaller contained group
#' are *excluded* from the group, while those outside the smaller yet inside the
#' bigger group are included.
#' @seealso \code{\link{colour_mat}}, \code{\link{add_osm_objects}}.
#' @examples
#' bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.5, -0.11, 51.52))
#' # Download data using 'extract_osm_objects'
#' \dontrun{
#' dat_HP <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'highway',
#'                                value = 'primary',
#'                                bbox = bbox)
#' dat_T <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'tree', bbox = bbox)
#' dat_BNR <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', value = '!residential',
#' bbox = bbox)
#' }
#' # These data are also provided in
#' dat_HP <- london$dat_HP
#' dat_T <- london$dat_T
#' dat_BNR <- london$dat_BNR
#' # Define a function to easily generate a basemap
#' bmap <- function ()
#' {
#'     map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20")
#'     map <- add_osm_objects (map, dat_HP, col = "gray70", size = 1)
#'     add_osm_objects (map, dat_T, col = "green")
#' }
#' # Highlight a single region using all objects lying partially inside the
#' # boundary (via the boundary = 1 argument)
#' pts <- sp::SpatialPoints (cbind (c (-0.115, -0.125, -0.125, -0.115),
#'                                  c (51.505, 51.505, 51.515, 51.515)))
#' \dontrun{
#' dat_H <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'highway', bbox = bbox) # all highways
#' map <- bmap ()
#' map <- add_osm_groups (map, dat_BNR, groups = pts, cols = "gray90",
#'                        bg = "gray40", boundary = 1)
#' map <- add_osm_groups (map, dat_H, groups = pts, cols = "gray80",
#'                        bg = "gray30", boundary = 1)
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }
#' # Generate random points to serve as group centres
#' set.seed (2)
#' ngroups <- 6
#' x <- bbox [1,1] + runif (ngroups) * diff (bbox [1,])
#' y <- bbox [2,1] + runif (ngroups) * diff (bbox [2,])
#' groups <- cbind (x, y)
#' groups <- apply (groups, 1, function (i)
#'                  sp::SpatialPoints (
#'                      matrix (i, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)))
#' # plot a basemap and add groups
#' map <- bmap ()
#' cols <- rainbow (length (groups))
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- add_osm_groups (map,
#'                        obj = london$dat_BNR,
#'                        group = groups,
#'                        cols = cols)
#' cols <- adjust_colours (cols, -0.2)
#' map <- add_osm_groups (map, obj = london$dat_H, groups = groups, cols = cols)
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' # Highlight convex hulls containing groups:
#' map <- bmap ()
#' map <- add_osm_groups (map,
#'                        obj = london$dat_BNR,
#'                        group = groups,
#'                        cols = cols,
#'                        border_width = 2)
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }

add_osm_groups <- function (map, obj, groups, cols, bg, make_hull = FALSE,
                            boundary = -1, size, shape, border_width = 1,
                            colmat, rotate) {

    # ---------------  sanity checks and warnings  ---------------
    if (missing (map))
        stop ("map must be supplied")
    check_map_arg (map)
    if (missing (obj))
        stop ("obj must be supplied")
    check_obj_arg (obj)
    groups <- check_groups_arg (groups)
    if (length (groups) == 1) {

        colmat <- FALSE
        if (missing (bg)) {

            message (paste0 ("Plotting one group only makes sense with bg;",
                             " defaulting to gray40"))
            bg <- "gray40"
    # ---------- colmat
    if (!missing (colmat)) {

        colmat <- check_arg (colmat, "colmat", "logical")
        if (is.na (colmat))
            stop ("colmat can not be coerced to logical", call. = FALSE)
    # ---------- others
    make_hull <- check_hull_arg (make_hull, groups)
    if (!is.numeric (boundary))
        boundary <- 0
    if (missing (colmat))
        colmat <- FALSE
    # ---------------  end sanity checks and warnings  ---------------

    # Set up group colours
    cmat <- NULL
    if (!colmat) {

        if (missing (cols)) {

            cols_default <- group_colours_default (cols, groups, bg)
            cols <- cols_default$cols
    } else {

        cols_colourmat <- group_colours_colourmat (cols, groups, rotate)
        cols <- cols_colourmat$cols
        cmat <- cols_colourmat$cmat
    if (missing (bg))
        bg <- NULL

    obj_type <- get_obj_type (obj)
    if (grepl ("point", obj_type))
        stop ("add_osm_groups not yet implemented for points")

    # Determine whether any groups are holes - not implemented at present
    if (length (groups) > 1)
        holes <- groups_are_holes (groups)

    # convert sf/sp geometries to simple list of matrices
    obj <- geom_to_xy (obj, obj_type)

    obj_trim <- trim_obj_to_map (obj, map, obj_type)
    obj <- obj_trim$obj

    cent_bdry <- group_centroids_bdrys (groups, make_hull, cols, cmat,
                                        obj_trim, map)
    cols <- cent_bdry$cols

    coords <- get_obj_coords (obj, cent_bdry)

    # Get membership of objects within groups
    if (is.null (bg)) { # include all points in groups

        membs <- membs_single_group (groups, coords, obj_trim, cent_bdry)
        xy <- membs$xy
        membs <- membs$membs
    } else {

        if (boundary != 0) # exclude objects outside group boundaries
            membs <- membs_multiple_groups_bdry (coords, boundary)
        else # split groups across boundaries
            membs <- membs_multiple_groups (coords)

        xy <- membs$xy
        membs <- membs$membs
        # Re-map membs == 0:
        membs [membs == 0] <- length (groups) + 1
    } # end else bg

    xyflat <- cbind_membs_xy (membs, xy)

    if (!missing (bg))
        cols <- c (cols, bg)
    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress "no visible binding" error
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id)

    if (grepl ("polygon", obj_type))
        map <- map_plus_spPolydf_grps (map, xyflat, aes, cols, size) #nolint
    else if (grepl ("line", obj_type))
        map <- map_plus_spLinedf_grps (map, xyflat, aes, cols, size, shape) #nolint
    else if (grepl ("point", obj_type)) {

        # Not implemented yet

    map <- map_plus_hulls (map, border_width, groups, xyflat, cols)

    return (map)

#' check groups argument
#' @noRd
check_groups_arg <- function (groups) {

    if (missing (groups))
        stop ("groups must be provided", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null (groups))
        stop ("groups must not be NULL", call. = FALSE)

    if (is (groups, "list")) {

        for (i in seq (groups)) {

            if (is (groups [[i]], "Spatial"))
                groups [[i]] <- de_spatial_points (groups [[i]])
            else if (!is.numeric (groups [[i]]))
                stop ("All groups must be numeric")
    } else {

        if (is (groups, "Spatial"))
            groups <- de_spatial_points (groups)
        groups <- list (groups)

    return (groups)

#' get raw coordinates from spatialpoints object
#' @noRd
de_spatial_points <- function (x) {

    if (!is (x, "SpatialPoints"))
        stop ("All groups must be SpatialPoints objects")
    slot (x, "coords")

#' check structure of 'make_hull' arg
#' @noRd
check_hull_arg <- function (make_hull, groups) {

    if (length (make_hull) > length (groups)) {

        warning (paste0 ("make_hull has length > number of groups"))
        make_hull <- make_hull [seq (groups)]
    } else if (length (make_hull) > 1 & length (make_hull) < length (groups)) {

        warning (paste0 ("make_hull should have length 1 or equal to numbers ",
                         "of groups; using first value only"))
        make_hull <- make_hull [1]
    if (!is.list (groups)) {

        if (length (groups) < 3)
            make_hull <- FALSE
    } else if (max (sapply (groups, length)) < 3) # No groups have > 2 members
        make_hull <- FALSE

    return (make_hull)

#' default group colours with no colourmat
#' @noRd
group_colours_default <- function (cols, groups, bg) {

    if (missing (cols))
        cols <- rainbow (length (groups))
    else if (length (cols) < length (groups))
        cols <- rep (cols, length.out = length (groups))

    ret <- list ("cols" = cols)
    if (length (groups) == 1 & missing (bg)) {

        warning ("There is only one group; using default bg")
        if (cols [1] != "gray40")
            bg <- "gray40"
            bg <- "white"

        ret ["bg"] <- bg
    } else if (!missing (bg))
        ret ["bg"] <- bg

    return (ret)

#' group colours from colourmat
#' @noRd
group_colours_colourmat <- function (cols, groups, rotate) {

    if (missing (cols))
        cols <- rainbow (4)
    else if (length (cols) < 4)
        cols <- rainbow (4)
    ncols <- 20
    if (missing (rotate))
        cmat <- colour_mat (ncols, cols = cols)
    else {

        if (!is.numeric (rotate))
            rotate <- 0
        cmat <- colour_mat (ncols, cols = cols, rotate)
    cols <- rep (NA, length (groups))
    # cols is then a vector of colours to be filled by matching group
    # centroids to relative positions within cmat

    return (list ("cols" = cols, "cmat" = cmat))

#' identify groups which are holes in other groups
#' @note This is not currently used, but the code is ready to implement in this
#' form.
#' @noRd
groups_are_holes <- function (groups) {

    holes <- rep (FALSE, length (groups))
    group_pairs <- combn (length (groups), 2)
    for (i in seq (ncol (group_pairs))) {

        n1 <- length (groups [[group_pairs [1, i] ]]) # nolint
        n2 <- length (groups [[group_pairs [2, i] ]]) # nolint
        if (n1 > 2 & n2 > 2) { # otherwise can't be a hole

            x1 <- sp::coordinates (groups [[group_pairs [1, i] ]]) [, 1] # nolint
            y1 <- sp::coordinates (groups [[group_pairs [1, i] ]]) [, 2] # nolint
            indx <- which (!duplicated (cbind (x1, y1)))
            x1 <- x1 [indx]
            y1 <- y1 [indx]
            xy1 <- spatstat.geom::ppp (x1, y1,
                                       xrange = range (x1), yrange = range (y1))
            ch1 <- spatstat.geom::convexhull (xy1)
            bdry1 <- cbind (ch1$bdry[[1]]$x, ch1$bdry[[1]]$y)
            x2 <- sp::coordinates (groups [[group_pairs [2, i] ]]) [, 1] # nolint
            y2 <- sp::coordinates (groups [[group_pairs [2, i] ]]) [, 2] # nolint
            indx <- which (!duplicated (cbind (x2, y2)))
            x2 <- x2 [indx]
            y2 <- y2 [indx]
            xy2 <- spatstat.geom::ppp (x2, y2,
                                       xrange = range (x2), yrange = range (y2))
            ch2 <- spatstat.geom::convexhull (xy2)
            bdry2 <- cbind (ch2$bdry[[1]]$x, ch2$bdry[[1]]$y)

            indx <- sapply (bdry1, function (x)
                            sp::point.in.polygon (bdry2 [, 1], bdry2 [, 2],
                                                  bdry1 [, 1], bdry1 [, 2]))
            if (all (indx == 1))
                holes [group_pairs [1, i]] <- TRUE
            indx <- sapply (bdry2, function (x)
                            sp::point.in.polygon (bdry1 [, 1], bdry1 [, 2],
                                                  bdry2 [, 1], bdry2 [, 2]))
            if (all (indx == 1))
                holes [group_pairs [2, i]] <- TRUE

    return (holes)

#' Trim coordinates of obj to be plotted down to coordinates of map
#' @note This has to be modified for points!
#' @noRd
trim_obj_to_map <- function (obj, map, obj_type) {

    xrange <- map$coordinates$limits$x
    yrange <- map$coordinates$limits$y

    if (grepl ("point", obj_type)) {

        indx <- which (obj [, 1] > xrange [1] & obj [, 2] > yrange [1] &
                       obj [, 1] < xrange [2] & obj [, 2] < yrange [2])
        obj <- obj [indx, ]
        xy_mn <- obj
    } else {

        # remove objects that extend beyond map:
        #xylims <- lapply (obj, function (i)
        #                  c (apply (i, 2, min), apply (i, 2, max)))
        #xylims <- do.call (rbind, xylims)

        #indx <- which (xylims [, 1] > xrange [1] & xylims [, 2] > yrange [1] &
        #               xylims [, 3] < xrange [2] & xylims [, 4] < yrange [2])
        #obj <- obj [indx]

        # trim objects to extent of map
        obj <- lapply (obj, function (i) {
                           indx <- which (i [, 1] > xrange [1] &
                                          i [, 2] > yrange [1] &
                                          i [, 1] < xrange [2] &
                                          i [, 2] < yrange [2])
                           if (length (indx) < 2)
                               ret <- NULL
                           else if (length (indx) < nrow (i)) {

                               ret <- i [indx, ]
                               if (grepl ("polygon", obj_type))
                                   ret <- rbind (ret, i [1, ])
                               ret <- i

                           return (ret)
        indx <- which (vapply (obj, is.null, logical (1)))
        obj [indx] <- NULL

        # mean coordinates for every item in obj:
        xy_mn <- do.call (rbind, lapply (obj, function (x) colMeans (x)))

    return (list ("obj" = obj, "xy_mn" = xy_mn))

#' Get centroids and boundaries of group objects
#' @note This function constructs
#' 1.  grp_centroids list for centroids of each object in each group; used to
#' reallocate stray objects if is.null (bg)
#' 2. boundaries list of enclosing polygons, creating convex hulls if necessary.
#' @noRd
group_centroids_bdrys <- function (groups, make_hull, cols,
                                   cmat, obj_trim, map) {

    boundaries <- list ()
    grp_centroids <- list ()

    for (i in seq (groups)) {

        if ((length (make_hull) == 1 & make_hull) |
            (length (make_hull) > 1 & make_hull [i])) {

            x <- groups [[i]] [, 1]
            y <- groups [[i]] [, 2]
            if (length (x) > 2) {

                xy <- spatstat.geom::ppp (x, y,
                                          xrange = range (x),
                                          yrange = range (y))
                ch <- spatstat.geom::convexhull (xy)
                bdry <- cbind (ch$bdry[[1]]$x, ch$bdry[[1]]$y)
            } else {

                bdry <- groups [[i]]
        } else {

            bdry <- groups [[i]]
        if (!is.matrix (bdry))
            bdry <- matrix (bdry, nrow = 1)

        if (nrow (bdry) > 1) { # otherwise group is obviously a single point

            bdry <- rbind (bdry, bdry [1, ]) #enclose bdry back to 1st point
            # The next 4 lines are only used if is.null (bg)
            indx <- sp::point.in.polygon (obj_trim$xy_mn [, 1],
                                          obj_trim$xy_mn [, 2],
                                          bdry [, 1], bdry [, 2])
            indx <- which (indx > 0) # see below for point.in.polygon values
            grp_centroids [[i]] <- obj_trim$xy_mn [indx, ]
        } else {

            grp_centroids [[i]] <- bdry
            # indx closest point to bdry
            d <- sqrt ((obj_trim$xmn - bdry [1]) ^ 2 +
                       (obj_trim$ymn - bdry [2]) ^ 2)
            indx <- which.min (d)

        boundaries [[i]] <- bdry

        if (!is.null (cmat)) {

            # Then get colour from colour.mat
            xrange <- map$coordinates$limits$x
            yrange <- map$coordinates$limits$y
            #xi <- ceiling (nrow (cmat) * (mean (obj_trim$xy_mn [indx, 1]) -
            #                              xrange [1]) / diff (xrange))
            #yi <- ceiling (nrow (cmat) * (mean (obj_trim$xy_mn [indx, 2]) -
            #                              yrange [1]) / diff (yrange))
            xi <- ceiling (nrow (cmat) * (mean (boundaries [[i]] [, 1]) -
                                          xrange [1]) / diff (xrange))
            yi <- ceiling (nrow (cmat) * (mean (boundaries [[i]] [, 2]) -
                                          yrange [1]) / diff (yrange))
            cols [i] <- cmat [xi, yi]

    return (list ("bdry" = boundaries, "grp_centroids" = grp_centroids,
                  "cols" = cols))

#' get coordinates of each obj to be plotted
#' @note pinpooly returns (0,1,2) for (not, on, in) boundary. Also note that the
#' nrow > 2 clause ensures poin.in.polygon is only applied to groups of
#' sufficient size
#' @noRd
get_obj_coords <- function (obj, cent_bdry) {

    coords <- lapply (obj, function (i) {

                          pins <- lapply (cent_bdry$bdry, function (j) {

                                              if (nrow (j) > 2)
                                                  sp::point.in.polygon (
                                                        i [, 1], i [, 2],
                                                        j [, 1], j [, 2])
                                                  rep (0, nrow (i))
                          pins <- do.call (cbind, pins)
                          cbind (i, pins)

    return (coords)

#' get members of single group
#' @noRd
membs_single_group <- function (groups, coords, obj_trim, cent_bdry) {

    membs <- sapply (coords, function (i) {

                         temp <- i [, 3:ncol (i), drop = FALSE]
                         temp [temp > 1] <- 1
                         n <- colSums (temp)
                         if (max (n) < 3) # must have > 2 elements in group
                             n <- 0
                         else {

                             indx <- which (n == max (n))
                             n <- indx [ceiling (runif (1) * length (indx))]
                         return (n)
    indx <- which (membs == 0)
    x0 <- obj_trim$xy_mn [indx, 1]
    y0 <- obj_trim$xy_mn [indx, 2]
    dists <- array (NA, dim = c (length (indx), length (groups)))
    for (i in seq (groups)) {

        ng <- dim (cent_bdry$grp_centroids [[i]]) [1]
        if (ng > 0) {

            x0mat <- array (x0, dim = c(length (x0), ng))
            y0mat <- array (y0, dim = c(length (y0), ng))
            xmat <- t (array (cent_bdry$grp_centroids [[i]] [, 1],
                              dim = c(ng, length (x0))))
            ymat <- t (array (cent_bdry$grp_centroids [[i]] [, 2],
                              dim = c(ng, length (x0))))
            dg <- sqrt ((xmat - x0mat) ^ 2 + (ymat - y0mat) ^ 2)
            # Then the minimum distance for each stray object to any object
            # in group [i]:
            dists [, i] <- apply (dg, 1, min)
        } else
            dists [, i] <- Inf
    # Then simply extract the group holding the overall minimum dist:
    membs [indx] <- apply (dists, 1, which.min)
    xy <- lapply (coords, function (i) i [, 1:2, drop = FALSE])

    return (list ("membs" = membs, "xy" = xy))

#' get members of multiple groups with boundary
#' This allocates objects within boundaries to groups, and all remaining
#' objects to group#0
#' @noRd
membs_multiple_groups_bdry <- function (coords, boundary) {

    xy <- lapply (coords, function (i) i [, 1:2, drop = FALSE])
    membs <- lapply (coords, function (i) {

                         temp <- i [, 3:ncol (i), drop = FALSE]
                         temp [temp > 1] <- 1
                         n <- colSums (temp)
                         if (boundary < 0) {

                             if (max (n) < nrow (temp))
                                 n <- 0
                                 n <- which.max (n)
                         } else if (boundary > 0 & max (n) > 0)
                             n <- which.max (n)
                             n <- 0
                         return (n)

    return (list ("membs" = membs, "xy" = xy))

#' get members of multiple groups without boundary
#' @note This potentially splits objects across boundaries, thereby extending
#' coords and thus requiring an explicit loop. TODO: Rcpp this?
#' @noRd
membs_multiple_groups <- function (coords) {

    split_objs <- sapply (coords, function (i) {

                              temp <- i [, 3:ncol (i), drop = FALSE]
                              temp [temp > 1] <- 1
                              n <- colSums (temp)
                              if (max (n) > 0 & max (n) < nrow (temp))
                                  return (which.max (n))
                                  return (0)
    split_objs <- which (split_objs > 0)

    # Then split coords into 2 lists, one for non-split objects and one
    # containing those listed in split_objs
    coords_split <- coords [split_objs]
    coords <- coords [-split_objs]
    # Then make new lists of xy and memberships by spliting objects in
    # coords_split. These lists are of unknown length, requiring an
    # unsightly double loop.
    xy <- list ()
    membs <- NULL
    for (i in coords_split) {

        temp <- i [, 3:ncol (i), drop = FALSE]
        temp [temp > 1] <- 1
        n <- colSums (temp)
        if (max (n) < 3) {

            xy [[length (xy) + 1]] <- i [, 1:2]
            membs <- c (membs, 0)
        } else {

            # Allow for multiple group memberships
            indx_i <- which (n > 2)
            for (j in indx_i) {

                indx_j <- which (temp [, j] == 1)
                if (length (indx_j) > 2) {

                    xy [[length (xy) + 1]] <- i [indx_j, 1:2]
                    membs <- c (membs, j)
                indx_j <- which (temp [, j] == 0)
                if (length (indx_j) > 2) {

                    xy [[length (xy) + 1]] <- i [indx_j, 1:2]
                    membs <- c (membs, 0)
            } # end for j
        } # end else !(max (n) < 3)
    } # end for i
    # Then add the non-split groups
    xy <- c (xy, lapply (coords, function (i) i [, 1:2]))
    membs2 <- sapply (coords, function (i) {

                          temp <- i [, 3:ncol (i), drop = FALSE]
                          temp [temp > 1] <- 1
                          n <- colSums (temp)
                          if (max (n) < nrow (temp))
                              n <- 0
                              n <- which.max (n)
                          return (n)
    membs <- c (membs, membs2)

    return (list ("membs" = membs, "xy" = xy))

#' cbind membs to xy so that membs maps straight onto cols
#' @note This is the first place at which the OSM ID rownames have to be
#' removed, because data.frame objects are not allowed to be constructed with
#' duplicate row.names.
#' @noRd
cbind_membs_xy <- function (membs, xy) {

    xym <- mapply ("cbind", xy, membs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    for (i in seq (xym)) {

        rownames (xym [[i]]) <- NULL
        xym [[i]] <- data.frame (cbind (i, xym [[i]]))
        names (xym [[i]]) <- c ("id", "lon", "lat", "col")

    do.call (rbind, xym)

#' add SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to map
#' @noRd
map_plus_spPolydf_grps <- function (map, xy, aes, cols, size) { #nolint

    if (missing (size))
        size <- 0
    else if (!is.numeric (size))
        size <- 0

    map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (data = xy, mapping = aes, fill = cols [xy$col],
                                 size = size)

#' add SpatialLinesDataFrame to map
#' @noRd
map_plus_spLinedf_grps <- function (map, xyflat, aes, cols, size, shape) { #nolint

    if (missing (size))
        size <- 0.5
    else if (!is.numeric (size))
        size <- 0.5

    if (missing (shape))
        shape <- 1
    else if (!is.numeric (shape))
        shape <- 1

    map + ggplot2::geom_path (data = xyflat, mapping = aes,
                              colour = cols [xyflat$col], size = size,
                              linetype = shape)

#' draw convex hulls around groups on map
#' @noRd
map_plus_hulls <- function (map, border_width = 1, groups, xyflat, cols) {

    id <- NULL # suppress R CMD check note for aes (..,`group = id`) below
    if (!is.numeric (border_width))
        return (map)

    bdry <- list ()
    for (i in seq (groups)) {

        indx <- which (xyflat$col == i) # col = group membership
        if (length (indx) > 1) {

            x <- xyflat$lon [indx]
            y <- xyflat$lat [indx]
            indx <- which (!duplicated (cbind (x, y)))
            x <- x [indx]
            y <- y [indx]
            if (length (x) > 2) {
                xy2 <- spatstat.geom::ppp (x, y, xrange = range (x),
                                           yrange = range (y))
                ch <- spatstat.geom::convexhull (xy2)
                bdry [[i]] <- cbind (i, ch$bdry[[1]]$x, ch$bdry[[1]]$y)
    bdry <- data.frame (do.call (rbind, bdry))
    names (bdry) <- c ("id", "x", "y")

    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = x, y = y, group = id)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (data = bdry, mapping = aes,
                                        colour = cols [bdry$id],
                                        fill = "transparent",
                                        size = border_width)

    return (map)

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osmplotr documentation built on March 28, 2021, 1:09 a.m.