
## ----load, message = FALSE, eval = TRUE---------------------------------------
library (osmplotr)

## ---- echo = FALSE, message = FALSE-------------------------------------------
map_dpi <- 72 # dpi res for all maps

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bbox <- get_bbox (c(-0.13, 51.51, -0.11, 51.52))

## ---- echo = FALSE, message= FALSE--------------------------------------------
dat_B <- rbind (london$dat_BR, london$dat_BNR)
dat_H <- rbind (london$dat_H, london$dat_HP)
dat_HP <- london$dat_HP

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  dat_B <- extract_osm_objects (key = "building", bbox = bbox)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat_B <- rbind (london$dat_BNR, london$dat_BR)

## ----map1, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  pts <- cbind (c (-0.115, -0.125, -0.125, -0.115),
#                c (51.513, 51.513, 51.517, 51.517))
#  map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#                      bg = "gray20")
#  map <- add_osm_groups (map,
#                         dat_B,
#                         groups = pts,
#                         cols = "orange",
#                         bg = "gray40")
#  print_osm_map (map)

## ----map1-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------

pts <- cbind (c (-0.115, -0.125, -0.125, -0.115),
              c (51.513, 51.513, 51.517, 51.517))

map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
                    bg = "gray20")

map <- add_osm_groups (map,
                       groups = pts,
                       cols = "orange",
                       bg = "gray40")

print_osm_map (map,
               filename = "map_b1.png",
               width = 600,
               units = "px", dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map2, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  pts2 <- cbind (c (-0.111, -0.1145, -0.1145, -0.111),
#                 c (51.517, 51.517, 51.519, 51.519))
#  map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#                      bg = "gray20")
#  map <- add_osm_groups (map,
#                         dat_B,
#                         groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                         cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
#                         bg = "gray40")
#  print_osm_map (map)

## ----map2-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------

pts2 <- cbind (c (-0.111, -0.1145, -0.1145, -0.111),
               c (51.517, 51.517, 51.519, 51.519))

map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
                    bg = "gray20")

map <- add_osm_groups (map,
                       groups = list (pts, pts2),
                       cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
                       bg = "gray40")

print_osm_map (map,
               filename = "map_b2.png",
               width = 600,
               units = "px",
               dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map3, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#                      bg = "gray20")
#  map <- add_osm_groups (map,
#                         dat_B,
#                         groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                         cols = c ("orange", "tomato"))
#  print_osm_map (map)

## ----map3-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------

map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
                    bg = "gray20")

map <- add_osm_groups (map,
                       groups = list (pts, pts2),
                       cols = c ("orange", "tomato"))

print_osm_map (map,
               filename = "map_b3.png",
               width = 600,
               units = "px",
               dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map_b3_pipe, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------
#  library(magrittr)
#  osm_basemap(bbox = bbox,
#              bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_groups(dat_B,
#                   groups = list(pts, pts2),
#                   cols = c("orange", "tomato")) %>%
#    print_osm_map()

## ----map_b3_pipe-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------


map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
                    bg = "gray20")

map <- add_osm_groups (map,
                       groups = list (pts, pts2),
                       cols = c ("orange", "tomato"))

print_osm_map (map,
               filename = "map_b3_pipe.png",
               width = 600,
               units = "px",
               dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map5, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  pts <- rbind (pts, c (-0.12, 51.515))
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = pts,
#                    cols = "orange",
#                    bg = "gray40") %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map5-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------

pts <- rbind (pts, c (-0.12, 51.515))

osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = pts,
                  cols = "orange",
                  bg = "gray40") %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b5.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map6, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    make_hull = TRUE,
#                    cols = c("orange", "tomato"),
#                    bg = "gray40",
#                    boundary = 1) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map6-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------

osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  make_hull = TRUE,
                  cols = c("orange", "tomato"),
                  bg = "gray40",
                  boundary = 1) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b6.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map7, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    make_hull = TRUE,
#                    cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
#                    bg = "gray40",
#                    boundary = 0) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map7-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  make_hull = TRUE,
                  cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
                  bg = "gray40",
                  boundary = 0) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b7.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  dat_P <- extract_osm_objects (key = "park", bbox = bbox)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
osm_structures (structure = "park")

## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
dat_P <- london$dat_P

## ----map8, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  col_park_in <- rgb (50, 255, 50, maxColorValue = 255)
#  col_park_out <- rgb (50, 155, 50, maxColorValue = 255)
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    make_hull = TRUE,
#                    cols = c("orange", "tomato"),
#                    bg = "gray40",
#                    boundary = 0) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_P,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    cols = rep (col_park_in, 2),
#                    bg = col_park_out,
#                    boundary = 0) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map8-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
col_park_in <- rgb (50, 255, 50, maxColorValue = 255)
col_park_out <- rgb (50, 155, 50, maxColorValue = 255)

osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  make_hull = TRUE,
                  cols = c("orange", "tomato"),
                  bg = "gray40",
                  boundary = 0) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_P,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  cols = rep (col_park_in, 2),
                  bg = col_park_out,
                  boundary = 0) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b8.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map9, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_objects (dat_P,
#                     col = col_park_out) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_P,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    cols = rep (col_park_in, 2),
#                    bg = col_park_out,
#                    boundary = 0) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    make_hull = TRUE,
#                    cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
#                    bg = "gray40",
#                    boundary = 0)
#  map %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map9-print, echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_objects (dat_P,
                   col = col_park_out) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_P,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  cols = rep (col_park_in, 2),
                  bg = col_park_out,
                  boundary = 0) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  make_hull = TRUE,
                  cols = c ("orange", "tomato"),
                  bg = "gray40",
                  boundary = 0)

map %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b9.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map10, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  #create separate data for all highways and primary highways
#  dat_H <- rbind (london$dat_H, london$dat_HP)
#  dat_HP <- london$dat_HP
#  # darken colours by aboud 20%
#  cols_adj <- adjust_colours (c ("orange", "tomato"),
#                              adj = -0.2)
#  map %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
#                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                  make_hull = TRUE,
#                  cols = cols_adj,
#                  bg = adjust_colours("gray40",
#                                      adj = -0.4),
#                  boundary = 1, size = 2) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_H,
#                    groups = list (pts, pts2),
#                    make_hull = TRUE,
#                    cols = cols_adj,
#                    bg = adjust_colours ("gray40",
#                                         adj = -0.2),
#                    boundary = 1,
#                    size = 1) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map10-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
# darken colours by aboud 20%
cols_adj <- adjust_colours (c ("orange", "tomato"),
                            adj = -0.2)

map %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
                groups = list (pts, pts2),
                make_hull = TRUE,
                cols = cols_adj,
                bg = adjust_colours("gray40",
                                    adj = -0.4),
                boundary = 1, size = 2) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_H,
                  groups = list (pts, pts2),
                  make_hull = TRUE,
                  cols = cols_adj,
                  bg = adjust_colours ("gray40",
                                       adj = -0.2),
                  boundary = 1,
                  size = 1) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b10.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map11, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray95") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = pts,
#                    cols = "gray40",
#                    bg = "gray85",
#                    boundary = 1) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_H,
#                    groups = pts,
#                    cols = "gray20",
#                    bg = "gray70",
#                    boundary = 0) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
#                    groups = pts,
#                    cols = "gray10",
#                    bg = "white",
#                    boundary = 0,
#                    size = 1) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map11-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray95") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = pts,
                  cols = "gray40",
                  bg = "gray85",
                  boundary = 1) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_H,
                  groups = pts,
                  cols = "gray20",
                  bg = "gray70",
                  boundary = 0) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
                  groups = pts,
                  cols = "gray10",
                  bg = "white",
                  boundary = 0,
                  size = 1) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b11.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set.seed (2)
ngroups <- 12
x <- bbox [1, 1] + runif (ngroups) * diff (bbox [1, ])
y <- bbox [2, 1] + runif (ngroups) * diff (bbox [2, ])
groups <- as.list (data.frame (t (cbind (x, y))))

## ----map12, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray95") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    cols = rainbow (length (groups))) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map12-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray95") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = groups,
                  cols = rainbow (length (groups))) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b12.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map13, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray95") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    border_width = 2,
#                    cols = heat.colors (length (groups))) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map13-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray95") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = groups,
                  border_width = 2,
                  cols = heat.colors (length (groups))) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b13.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  cmat <- colour_mat (rainbow (4), plot = TRUE)

## ---- fig.width = 4, echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------- ()
cmat <- colour_mat (rainbow (4), plot = TRUE)

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  cmat <- colour_mat (rainbow (4), n = c(4, 8), rotate = 90, plot = TRUE)

## ---- fig.width = 4, echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------- ()
cmat <- colour_mat (rainbow (4), n = c(4, 8), rotate = 90, plot = TRUE)

## ----map14, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray95") %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    border_width = 2,
#                    colmat = TRUE,
#                    cols = c("red", "green", "yellow", "blue"),
#                    rotate = 180) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map14-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray95") %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = groups,
                  border_width = 2,
                  colmat = TRUE,
                  cols = c("red", "green", "yellow", "blue"),
                  rotate = 180) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b14.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----connect-highways, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------
#  highways <- c ("Monmouth.St", "Short.?s.Gardens", "Endell.St", "Long.Acre",
#                 "Upper.Saint.Martin")
#  highways1 <- connect_highways (highways = highways, bbox = bbox)
#  highways <- c ("Endell.St", "High.Holborn", "Drury.Lane", "Long.Acre")
#  highways2 <- connect_highways (highways = highways, bbox = bbox)
#  highways <- c ("Drury.Lane", "High.Holborn", "Kingsway", "Great.Queen.St")
#  highways3 <- connect_highways (highways = highways, bbox = bbox)

## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
load (system.file ("extdata", "hwys.rda", package = "osmplotr"))
highways1 <- hwys [[1]]
highways2 <- hwys [[2]]
highways3 <- hwys [[3]]
con_h <- function (hwy) {

    hwy <- osmplotr:::connect_single_ways (hwy)
    hwy <- osmplotr:::get_highway_cycle (hwy)
    conmat <- osmplotr:::get_conmat (hwy)
    cycles <- try (ggm::fundCycles (conmat), TRUE)
    cyc <- cycles [[which.max (sapply (cycles, nrow))]]
    osmplotr:::sps_through_cycle (hwy, cyc)
highways1 <- con_h (highways1)
highways2 <- con_h (highways2)
highways3 <- con_h (highways3)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class (highways1); nrow (highways1); nrow (highways2); nrow (highways3)

## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
groups <- list (highways1, highways2, highways3)
cols_B <- c ("red", "orange", "tomato") # for the 3 groups
cols_H <- adjust_colours (cols_B, -0.2)
bg_B <- "gray40"
bg_H <- "gray60"

## ----map15, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_objects (dat_P,
#                     col = col_park_out) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_B,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    boundary = 1,
#                    bg = bg_B,
#                    cols = cols_B) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_H,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    boundary = 1,
#                    bg = bg_H,
#                    cols = cols_H) %>%
#    add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
#                    groups = groups,
#                    boundary = 0,
#                    cols = cols_H,
#                    bg = bg_H,
#                    size = 1) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map15-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_objects (dat_P,
                   col = col_park_out) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_B,
                  groups = groups,
                  boundary = 1,
                  bg = bg_B,
                  cols = cols_B) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_H,
                  groups = groups,
                  boundary = 1,
                  bg = bg_H,
                  cols = cols_H) %>%
  add_osm_groups (dat_HP,
                  groups = groups,
                  boundary = 0,
                  cols = cols_H,
                  bg = bg_H,
                  size = 1) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b15.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
n <- 5
x <- seq (bbox [1, 1], bbox [1, 2], length.out = n)
y <- seq (bbox [2, 1], bbox [2, 2], length.out = n)
dat <- data.frame (
    x = as.vector (array (x, dim = c(n, n))),
    y = as.vector (t (array (y, dim = c(n, n)))),
    z = x * y
head (dat)

## ----map16, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_B,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map16-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_B,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b16.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_H,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30))

## ----map17, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)
#  map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_B,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = cols_adj,
#                     size = 1.5) %>%
#    add_osm_objects (dat_P,
#                     col = rgb (0.1, 0.3, 0.1)) %>%
#    add_osm_objects (dat_H,
#                     col = "gray60")
#  map %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map17-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)

map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_B,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = cols_adj,
                   size = 1.5) %>%
  add_osm_objects (dat_P,
                   col = rgb (0.1, 0.3, 0.1)) %>%
  add_osm_objects (dat_H,
                   col = "gray60")

map %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b17.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map18, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  map %>%
#    add_colourbar (cols = terrain.colors (100),
#                   zlims = range (dat$z)) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map18-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
map %>%
  add_colourbar (cols = terrain.colors (100),
                 zlims = range (dat$z)) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b18.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ----map19, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_B,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = cols_adj,
#                     size = 1.5) %>%
#  add_colourbar (cols = heat.colors (100),
#                 zlims = range (dat$z),
#                 alpha = 0.9,
#                 vertical = FALSE,
#                 barwidth = c(0.1, 0.12),
#                 barlength = c(0.5, 0.9),
#                 text_col = "blue",
#                 fontsize = 5,
#                 fontface = 3,
#                 fontfamily = "Times") %>%
#    add_axes (colour = "blue",
#              fontsize = 5,
#              fontface = 3,
#              fontfamily = "Times") %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map19-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)

osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_B,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30)) %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = cols_adj,
                   size = 1.5) %>%
add_colourbar (cols = heat.colors (100),
               zlims = range (dat$z),
               alpha = 0.9,
               vertical = FALSE,
               barwidth = c(0.1, 0.12),
               barlength = c(0.5, 0.9),
               text_col = "blue",
               fontsize = 5,
               fontface = 3,
               fontfamily = "Times") %>%
  add_axes (colour = "blue",
            fontsize = 5,
            fontface = 3,
            fontfamily = "Times") %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b19.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
d <- sqrt ((dat$x - mean (dat$x)) ^ 2 + (dat$y - mean (dat$y)) ^ 2)
range (d)

## ----map20, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  dat <- dat [which (d < 0.01), ]
#  cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_B,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = heat.colors (30),
#                     bg = "gray40") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = cols_adj,
#                     size = c (1.5, 0.5),
#                     bg = "gray70") %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map20-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
dat <- dat [which (d < 0.01), ]
cols_adj <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), -0.2)

osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_B,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30),
                   bg = "gray40") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = cols_adj,
                   size = c (1.5, 0.5),
                   bg = "gray70") %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b20.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  dat_T <- extract_osm_objects (key = "tree", bbox = bbox)

## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
dat_T <- london$dat_T

## ----map21, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
#               bg = "gray20") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = terrain.colors (30),
#                     size = c (1.5, 0.5),
#                     bg = "gray70") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_H,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = terrain.colors (30),
#                     size = c (1, 0.5),
#                     bg = "gray70") %>%
#    add_osm_surface (dat_T,
#                     dat = dat,
#                     cols = heat.colors (30),
#                     bg = "lawngreen",
#                     size = c(3, 2),
#                     shape = c(8, 1)) %>%
#    print_osm_map ()

## ----map21-print, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------
osm_basemap (bbox = bbox,
             bg = "gray20") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_HP,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = terrain.colors (30),
                   size = c (1.5, 0.5),
                   bg = "gray70") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_H,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = terrain.colors (30),
                   size = c (1, 0.5),
                   bg = "gray70") %>%
  add_osm_surface (dat_T,
                   dat = dat,
                   cols = heat.colors (30),
                   bg = "lawngreen",
                   size = c(3, 2),
                   shape = c(8, 1)) %>%
  print_osm_map (filename = "map_b21.png",
                 width = 600,
                 units = "px",
                 dpi = map_dpi)

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osmplotr documentation built on March 28, 2021, 1:09 a.m.