Man pages for otrimle
Robust Model-Based Clustering

banknoteSwiss Banknotes Data
generator.otrimleGenerates random data from OTRIMLE output model
InitClustRobust Initialization for Model-based Clustering Methods
kerndensclusterAggregated distance to elliptical unimodal density over...
kerndensmeasureStatistic measuring closeness to symmetric unimodal...
kerndenspCloseness of multivariate distribution to elliptical unimodal...
kmeanfunMean and standard deviation of unimodality statistic
otrimleOptimally Tuned Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
otrimlegOTRIMLE for a range of numbers of clusters with density-based...
otrimlesimgAdequacy approach for number of clusters for OTRIMLE
plot.otrimlePlot Methods for OTRIMLE Objects
plot.rimlePlot Methods for RIMLE Objects
rimleRobust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
otrimle documentation built on May 29, 2021, 9:09 a.m.