
#' WPSProcessDescription
#' @docType class
#' @export
#' @keywords OGC WPS Process ProcessDescription
#' @return Object of \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} modelling a WPS process description
#' @format \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} object.
#' @note Class used internally by \pkg{ows4R}
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel <emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com>
WPSProcessDescription <- R6Class("WPSProcessDescription",
  inherit = OGCAbstractObject,                       
  private = list(
    capabilities = NULL,
    url = NA,
    version = NA,
    identifier = NA,
    title = NA,
    abstract= NA,
    processVersion = NA,
    statusSupported = FALSE,
    storeSupported = FALSE,
    dataInputs = list(),
    processOutputs = list(),
    fetchProcessDescription = function(xml, version){
      children <- xmlChildren(xml)
      processIdentifier <- NULL
        processIdentifier <- xmlValue(children$Identifier)
      processTitle <- NULL
        processTitle <- xmlValue(children$Title)
      processAbstract <- NULL
        processAbstract <- xmlValue(children$Abstract)
      processVersion <- xmlGetAttr(xml, "wps:processVersion")
      statusAttr <- xmlGetAttr(xml, "statusSupported")
      if(!is.null(statusAttr)) statusSupported <- statusAttr == "true"
      storeAttr <- xmlGetAttr(xml, "storeSupported")
      if(!is.null(storeAttr)) storeSupported <- storeAttr == "true"
      dataInputsXML <- xmlChildren(children$DataInputs)
      dataInputsXML <- dataInputsXML[names(dataInputsXML)=="Input"]
      dataInputs <- lapply(dataInputsXML, function(x){
        input_binding <- NULL
        if("LiteralData" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
          input_binding = WPSLiteralInputDescription$new(xml = x, version = version)
        }else if("ComplexData" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
          input_binding = WPSComplexInputDescription$new(xml = x, version = version)
        }else if("BoundingBoxData" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
      names(dataInputs) <- NULL
      dataInputs <- dataInputs[!sapply(dataInputs, is.null)]
      processOutputsXML <- xmlChildren(children$ProcessOutputs)
      processOutputsXML <- processOutputsXML[names(processOutputsXML)=="Output"]
      processOutputs <- lapply(processOutputsXML, function(x){
        output_binding <- NULL
        if("LiteralOutput" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
          output_binding = WPSLiteralOutputDescription$new(xml = x, version = version)
        }else if("ComplexOutput" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
          output_binding = WPSComplexOutputDescription$new(xml = x, version = version)
        }else if("BoundingBoxOutput" %in% names(xmlChildren(x))){
      processOutputs <- processOutputs[!sapply(processOutputs, is.null)]
      processDescription <- list(
        identifier = processIdentifier,
        title = processTitle,
        abstract = processAbstract,
        version = processVersion,
        statusSupported = statusSupported,
        storeSupported = storeSupported,
        dataInputs = dataInputs,
        processOutputs = processOutputs
  public = list(
    #'@description Initializes an object of class \link{WPSProcessDescription}
    #'@param xml object of class \link[XML]{XMLInternalNode-class} from \pkg{XML}
    #'@param version version
    #'@param logger logger
    #'@param ... any other parameter
    initialize = function(xml, version, logger = NULL, ...){
      super$initialize(logger = logger)
      private$version = version
      processDesc = private$fetchProcessDescription(xml, version)
      private$identifier = processDesc$identifier
      private$title = processDesc$title
      private$abstract = processDesc$abstract
      private$processVersion = processDesc$version
      private$statusSupported = processDesc$statusSupported
      private$storeSupported = processDesc$storeSupported
      private$dataInputs = processDesc$dataInputs
      private$processOutputs = processDesc$processOutputs
    #'@description Get process identifier
    #'@return the identifier, object of class \code{character}
    getIdentifier = function(){
    #'@description Get process title
    #'@return the title, object of class \code{character}
    getTitle = function(){
    #'@description Get process abstract
    #'@return the abstract, object of class \code{character}
    getAbstract = function(){
    #'@description Get process version
    #'@param the version, object of class \code{character}
    getVersion = function(){
    #'@description Indicates if the status is supported
    #'@return \code{TRUE} if supported, \code{FALSE} otherwise
    isStatusSupported = function(){
    #'@description Indicates if the store is supported
    #'@return \code{TRUE} if supported, \code{FALSE} otherwise
    isStoreSupported = function(){
    #'@description Get data inputs
    #'@return a \code{list} of objects extending \link{WPSInputDescription}
    getDataInputs = function(){
    #'@description Get process outputs
    #'@return a \code{list} of objects extending \link{WPSOutputDescription}
    getProcessOutputs = function(){
    #'@description Convenience method to export a process description as \code{data.frame}
    #'@return a \code{data.frame} giving the process description
    asDataFrame = function(){
        identifier = self$getIdentifier(),
        title = self$getTitle(),
        abstract = self$getAbstract(),
        processVersion = self$getVersion(),
        statusSupported = self$isStatusSupported(),
        storeSupported = self$isStoreSupported(),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

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ows4R documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:09 p.m.