Man pages for oxcAAR
Interface to 'OxCal' Radiocarbon Calibration

BoundaryReturns the Oxcal code for a Boundary
calcurve_plotPlots calibrated dates on the calibration curve
executeOxcalScriptExecutes an Oxcal Script
get_bpget bp values (ages)
get_cal_curveget calibration curve names
get_nameget names (labcodes)
get_posterior_probabilitiesget posterior raw probabilities
get_posterior_sigma_rangesget posterior sigma ranges
get_raw_probabilitiesget raw probabilities
get_sigma_rangesget sigma ranges
get_stdget std values (standard deviations)
get_tidy_oxcalresulttidy output
is.oxcAARCalibratedDateChecks if a variable is of class oxcAARCalibratedDate
is.oxcAARCalibratedDatesListChecks if a variable is of class oxcAARCalibratedDatesList
oxcAARCalibratedDateoxcAAR Calibrated Dates Object
oxcAARCalibratedDatesListoxcAAR Calibrated Dates List
oxcalCalibrateCalibrates a 14C date using oxcal
oxcalSimulateSimulates 14C dates using oxcal
oxcal_SumWraps an Oxcal string into a Oxcal sum function
oxcalSumSimSum calibration for simulated dates
parseFullOxcalOutputParses an Oxcal Output File completely into R
parseOxcalOutputParses an Oxcal Output File into R
PhaseReturns the Oxcal code for Phase
quickSetupOxcalQuick OxCal setup
R_DateReturns the Oxcal code for the calibration of 14C dates
readOxcalOutputReads the content of the Oxcal js output file
R_SimulateReturns the Oxcal code for the simulation of 14C dates
SequenceReturns the Oxcal code for Sequence
setOxcalExecutablePathSetting the Oxcal program path for further use
wrap_in_boundariesWrap OxCal commands in Boundary commands
oxcAAR documentation built on July 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m.