pARI: Permutation-based All-Resolutions Inference

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pARIR Documentation

Permutation-based All-Resolutions Inference


The main function for All-Resolutions Inference (ARI) method based on the critical vector constructed using the p-values permutation distribution. The function computes simultaneous lower bounds for the number of true discoveries for each set of hypotheses specified in ix controlling family-wise error rate at level alpha.


pARI(X= NULL, ix, alpha = 0.05, family = "simes", delta = 0, B = 1000, pvalues = NULL, 
test.type = "one_sample", complete = FALSE, clusters = FALSE, iterative = FALSE, 
approx = TRUE, ncomb = 100, step.down = FALSE, max.step = 10, ...)



Data matrix where rows represent the m variables and columns the n observations.


Numeric vector which expresses the set of hypotheses of interest. It can be a vector with length equals m indicating the corresponding cluster for each variable, (in this case, you must put clusters = TRUE), or a vector containing the position indices of the variables of interest if only one set/cluster of hypotheses is considered.


Numeric value in '[0,1]'. \alpha level to control the family-wise error rate. Default to 0.05.


String character. Name of the family confidence envelope to compute the critical vector from "simes", "aorc", "beta", "higher.criticism", and "power". Default to "simes".


Numeric value. \delta value. Please see the reference below. Default to 0.


Numeric value. Number of permutations, default to 1000.


Matrix of p-values with dimensions m \times B where m is the number of variables and B the number of permutations used instead of the data matrix X. Default to NULL.


Character string. Choose a type of tests among "one_sample", i.e., one-sample t-tests, or "two_samples", i.e., two-samples t-tests. Default "one_sample".


Boolean value. If TRUE the sets of critical vectors and the raw p-values are returned. Default to FALSE.


Boolean value. If ix indicates many clusters/sets must be TRUE. Default @FALSE.


Boolean value. If iterative = TRUE, the iterative method is applied (computationally demanding). Default to FALSE. Please see the reference below.


Boolean value. Default to TRUE. If you are analyzing high dimensional data, we suggest to put approx = TRUE to speed up the computation time. Please see the reference below.


Numeric value. If approx = TRUE, you must decide how many random sub collections (level of approximation) considered. Default to 100.


Boolean value. Default to FALSE If you want to compute the lambda calibration parameter using the step-down approach put TRUE. Please see the reference below.


Numeric value. Default to 10. Maximum number of steps for the step down approach, so useful when step.down = TRUE.


Further arguments


by default returns a list with the following objects:


lower bound for the number of true discoveries in the set selected


selected variables

If complete = TRUE the raw pvalues and cv critical vector are also returned.


Angela Andreella


For the general framework of All-Resolutions Inference see:

Goeman, Jelle J., and Aldo Solari. "Multiple testing for exploratory research." Statistical Science 26.4 (2011): 584-597.

For permutation-based All-Resolutions Inference see:

Andreella, A., Hemerik, J., Finos, L., Weeda, W., & Goeman, J. (2023). Permutation-based true discovery proportions for functional magnetic resonance imaging cluster analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 42(14), 2311-2340.

See Also

The type of tests implemented: signTest permTest.


datas <- simulateData(pi0 = 0.8, m = 1000, n = 30, power = 0.9, rho = 0,seed = 123)
out <- pARI(X = datas, ix = c(1:200),test.type = "one_sample")

pARI documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:10 p.m.