download_data: Download various precipitation data products

View source: R/download_data.R

download_dataR Documentation

Download various precipitation data products


The function download_data downloads the selected data product.


  dataset = "all",
  path = ".",
  domain = "raw",
  timestep = "monthly"



a character string with the name(s) of the desired data set. Suitable options are:

  • "all" for all of the below listed data sets (default),

  • "20cr" for 20CR v3,

  • "chirps" for CHIRPS v2.0,

  • "cmap" for CMAP standard version,

  • "cmorph" for CMORPH,

  • "cpc" for CPC-Global,

  • "cru-ts" for CRU_TS v4.06,

  • "em-earth" for EM-EARTH,

  • "era20c" for ERA-20C,

  • "era5" for ERA5,

  • "fldas" for FLDAS,

  • "ghcn" for GHCN-M v2,

  • "gldas-clsm" for GLDAS CLSM,

  • "gldas-noah" for GLDAS NOAH,

  • "gldas-vic" for GLDAS VIC,

  • "gpcc" for GPCC v2020,

  • "gpcp" for GPCP v2.3,

  • "gpm_imerg" for GPM IMERGM Final v06,

  • "jra55" for JRA-55,

  • "merra2" for MERRA-2,

  • "mswep" for MSWEP v2.8,

  • "ncep-doe" for NCEP/DOE,

  • "ncep-ncar" for NCEP/NCAR,

  • "persiann" for PERSIANN-CDR,

  • "precl" for PREC/L,

  • "terraclimate" for TerraClimate,

  • "trmm-3b43" for TRMM 3B43 v7,

  • "udel" for UDEL v501.


a character string with the path where the database will be downloaded.


a character string with the desired domain data set. Suitable options are:

  • "raw" for default available spatial coverage,

  • "global" for data sets with global (land and ocean) coverage,

  • "land" for data sets with land only coverage,

  • "ocean", for data sets with ocean only coverage.


a character string with the desired time resolution. Suitable options are:

  • "monthly",

  • "yearly".


No return value, called to download the required data sets.


download_data("gldas-vic", tempdir(), timestep = "yearly")

pRecipe documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.