Man pages for packDAMipd
Decision Analysis Modelling Package with Parameters Estimation Ability from Individual Patient Level Data

adl_scoringadl_scoring table
assign_parametersFunction to assign the values of nested parameters from the...
blankParameter table created
calculate_icer_nmbEstimation of ICER and NMB
check_estimate_required_paramsFunction to check if the parameters are sufficient to define...
check_link_glmFunction to find the keyword for family of distribution in...
check_list_markov_modelscheck the list of Markov models
check_null_naFunction to check the variable null or NA
checks_markov_pick_methodChecks the input to run the Markov cycles and picks correct...
checks_plot_dsaFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
check_trans_probCheck the transition probabilities for numeric values and...
check_treatment_armFunction to return treatment arm
check_values_statesCheck if the values of health states are provided
combine_markovJoin Markov model objects
combine_stateJoin health states
convert_freq_diff_basisConvert frequency medication to given basis
convert_to_given_timeperiodConvert period to given basis
convert_volume_basisConvert volume to given basis
convert_weight_diff_basisConvert unit strength to given basis
convert_wtpertimediff_basisConvert weight per time to given basis
cost_datacost matrix
costing_AandE_admissionFunction to estimate the cost of inpatient admission but...
costing_inpatient_daycase_admissionFunction to estimate the cost of inpatient admission but...
costing_resource_useFunction to estimate the cost of resource use taken (from...
create_new_datasetcreate new dataset while keeping cox regression results and...
define_parametersFunction to return a list of parameters given
define_parameters_psaDefine parameter lists for deterministic sensitivity analysis
define_parameters_sens_analDefine parameter lists for deterministic sensitivity analysis
define_transition_tableDefine the table for transition
do_diagnostic_glmDo the diagnostic test for glm model assumption
do_diagnostic_linear_regressionDo the diagnostic test for lm model assumption
do_psaFunction to do probabilistic sensitivity analysis
do_sensitivity_analysisFunction to do deterministic sensitivity analysis
encode_codes_dataFunction to get the codes and the corresponding entries
eval_assign_trans_probAttribute parameters to probabilities of transition matrix
eval_assign_values_statesAttribute values in health states
find_glm_distributionFunction to find the keyword for family of distribution in...
find_keyword_rand_generationFunction to find the keyword for generating random numbers...
find_keyword_regression_methodFunction to find the keyword for regression methods
find_parameters_btn_operatorsFunction to return parameters with in a expression containing...
find_required_parameter_combsFunction to find the parameters that determine the...
find_survreg_distributionFunction to find the keyword for survreg distribution
form_expression_glmForm expression to use with glm()
form_expression_lmForm expression to use with lm()
form_expression_mixed_model_lme4Form expression to use with mixed models
generate_wt_time_unitsFunction to get the weight and time units
generate_wt_vol_unitsFunction to get the weight and volume units
get_age_detailsFunction to get the details of the age column
get_col_multiple_patternFunction to get cols for the pattern given
get_colnames_codedvaluesFunction to keep the column name, coded values and non...
get_cost_AandE_codeFunction to extract the unit hospital inpatient admission by...
get_cost_AandE_descriptionFunction to extract the unit cost by descirption of AandE att...
get_cost_ip_dc_descriptionFunction to extract the unit hospital inpatient admission by...
get_cost_ip_dc_hrgFunction to extract the unit hospital inpatient admission by...
get_eq5d_detailsFunction to get the details of the EQ5D column
get_extension_fileFunction to get extension of a file name
get_gender_detailsFunction to get the details of the gender column
get_mean_sd_ageFunction to return mean age from a data frame
get_mortality_from_fileGet the mortality rate values from reading a file
get_name_value_probdistrb_defFunction to return the two parameters from a given expression...
get_outcome_detailsFunction to get the details of the outcome column
get_parameter_def_distributionGet the definition of given parameter distribution defined in...
get_parameter_directGet the parameter values from reading a file
get_parameter_estimated_regressionGet the parameter values using the provided statistical...
get_parameter_readGet the parameter values from reading a file
get_slope_intercepthelp function to keep slope and intercept portion ready in...
get_slope_intercept_crosshelp function to keep slope and intercept portion ready in...
get_slope_intercept_nestedhelp function to keep slope and intercept portion ready in...
get_timepoint_detailsFunction to get the details of the time point column
get_trial_arm_detailsFunction to get the details of the trial arm
get_var_stateGet the attribute for the health state
health_stateDefinition of health state class or health state constructor
init_traceDefine an all zero trace matrix
keep_results_plot_dsaFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
list_paramwise_psa_resultFunction to list probabilistic sensitivity analysis results...
load_trial_dataFunction to load the file containing trial data and return it
make_string_covariatesMake a string of covariates using addition sign
map_eq5d5Lto3L_VanHoutFunction to map EQ5D5L scores to EQ5D3L scores and then add...
markov_modelDefinition of Markov model and trace
microcosting_liquids_longFunction to estimate the cost of liquids when IPD is in long...
microcosting_liquids_wideFunction to estimate the cost of liquids taken (from IPD)
microcosting_patches_wideFunction to estimate the cost of patches taken (from IPD)
microcosting_tablets_longFunction to estimate the cost of tablets when IPD is in long...
microcosting_tablets_wideFunction to estimate the cost of tablets taken (from IPD)
plot_ceacPlot cost effectiveness acceptability curve
plot_dsaFunction to plot results of sensitivity analysis...
plot_dsa_differenceFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
plot_dsa_icer_rangeFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
plot_dsa_nmb_rangeFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
plot_dsa_others_rangeFunction to do some checks before plotting sensitivity...
plot_efficiency_frontierPlot efficiency frontier
plot_modelE1. Plot a Markov model
plot_prediction_parametric_survivalPlot the predicted survival curves for covariates keeping the...
plot_return_residual_coxPlotting and return the residuals after cox proportional...
plot_return_residual_survivalPlotting and return the residuals after survival model
plot_return_survival_curvePlotting survival function for all covariates using survfit
plot_survival_cox_covariatesPlotting survival function for all covariates calculated from...
populate_transition_matrixPopulate transition matrix
predict_coxphPredict risk/hazard function for cox ph regression
prediction_regressionDo the prediction for regression
report_sensitivity_analysisFunction to report deterministic sensitivity analysis
return0_if_not_null_naFunction to return 0 if the param is not null or NA trimming...
return_equal_liststring_colFunction to get the subset of data compared to a string after...
return_equal_liststring_listcolFunction to get the subset of data compared to a string after...
return_equal_str_colFunction to get the subset of data compared to a string after...
set_var_stateSet the attribute for the health state
strategyDefinition of strategy - or arm
summary_plot_psaFunction to summarise and plot probabilistic sensitivity...
table_paramParameter table created
trace_dataTrace matrix
transition_cost_utilCreate the the values of cost and utility while transition
trial_dataExample trial data
use_generalised_linear_mixed_modelFunction for generalised linear mixed model
use_linear_mixed_modelFunction for mixed effect regression
use_seemingly_unrelated_regressionBivariate regression for correlated observations
utility_datautility matrix
value_ADL_scores_IPDFunction to convert ADL scores to a T score
value_eq5d3L_IPDFunction to add EQ5D3L scores to IPD data
value_eq5d5L_IPDFunction to add EQ5D5L scores to IPD data
value_Shows_IPDFunction to estimate the cost of tablets taken (from IPD)
word2numFunction to check the variable null or NA
packDAMipd documentation built on March 3, 2021, 5:07 p.m.