Man pages for parallelly
Enhancing the 'parallel' Package

as.clusterCoerce an Object to a Cluster Object
autoStopClusterAutomatically Stop a Cluster when Garbage Collected
availableConnectionsNumber of Available and Free Connections
availableCoresGet Number of Available Cores on The Current Machine
availableWorkersGet Set of Available Workers
cloneNodeClone one or more nodes
cpuLoadGet the Recent CPU Load
find_rshcmdSearch for SSH clients on the current system
freeCoresGet the Average Number of Free CPU Cores
freePortFind a TCP port that can be opened
isConnectionValidChecks if a Connection is Valid
isForkedChildChecks whether or not we are running in a forked child...
isForkedNodeChecks whether or not a Cluster Node Runs in a Forked Process
isLocalhostNodeChecks whether or not a Cluster Node Runs on Localhost
isNodeAliveCheck whether or not the cluster nodes are alive
killNodeTerminate one or more cluster nodes using process signaling
makeClusterMPICreate a Message Passing Interface (MPI) Cluster of R Workers...
makeClusterPSOCKCreate a PSOCK Cluster of R Workers for Parallel Processing
parallelly.optionsOptions Used by the 'parallelly' Package
pid_existsCheck whether a process PID exists or not
supportsMulticoreCheck If Forked Processing ("multicore") is Supported
parallelly documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:31 a.m.