
Defines functions `[.ParameterSet` as.data.table.ParameterSet .combine_unique cpset c.ParameterSet rep.ParameterSet length.ParameterSet as.ParameterSet.list as.ParameterSet.prm as.ParameterSet.data.table as.ParameterSet

Documented in as.data.table.ParameterSet as.ParameterSet as.ParameterSet.data.table as.ParameterSet.list as.ParameterSet.prm c.ParameterSet cpset length.ParameterSet rep.ParameterSet

#' @title Coercions to ParameterSet
#' @param x (`ANY`) \cr Object to coerce.
#' @param ... (`ANY`) \cr Other arguments passed to [ParameterSet], such as
#' `tag_properties`.
#' @export
as.ParameterSet <- function(x, ...) { # nolint

#' @rdname as.ParameterSet
#' @export
as.ParameterSet.data.table <- function(x, ...) { # nolint
  ParameterSet$new(as.prm(x), ...)

#' @rdname as.ParameterSet
#' @export
as.ParameterSet.prm <- function(x, ...) { # nolint
  ParameterSet$new(list(x), ...)

#' @rdname as.ParameterSet
#' @export
as.ParameterSet.list <- function(x, ...) { # nolint
  checkmate::assert_list(x, "prm", any.missing = FALSE)
  pset(prms = x, ...)

#' @title Length of a ParameterSet
#' @description Gets the number of parameters in the [ParameterSet].
#' @param x ([ParameterSet])
#' @export
length.ParameterSet <- function(x) {

#' @title Replicate a ParameterSet
#' @description In contrast to the `$rep` method in [ParameterSet], this method
#' deep clones the [ParameterSet] and returns a new object.
#' @details In order to avoid duplicated parameter ids, every id in the
#' [ParameterSet] is given a `prefix` in the format `prefix__id`. In
#' addition, linked tags are also given the same prefix to prevent
#' incorrectly linking parameters.
#' The primary use-case of this method is to treat the [ParameterSet] as a
#' collection of identical [ParameterSet] objects.
#' @param x ([ParameterSet])
#' @param times (`integer(1)`) \cr
#' Numer of times to replicate the `ParameterSet`.
#' @param prefix (`character(1)|character(length(times))`) \cr
#' The prefix to add to ids and linked tags. If length `1` then is
#' internally coerced to `paste0(prefix, seq(times))`, otherwise the length
#' should be equal to `times`.
#' @param ... (`ANY`) \cr Other arguments, currently unused.
#' @export
rep.ParameterSet <- function(x, times, prefix, ...) {
  x <- x$clone(deep = TRUE)
  x$rep(times, prefix)

#' @title Concatenate Unique ParameterSet Objects
#' @description Concatenate multiple [ParameterSet] objects with unique ids and
#' tags into a single [ParameterSet].
#' @details Concatenates ids, tags, tag properties and dependencies. Assumes
#' ids and tags are unique; trafos are combined into a list.
#' @param ... ([ParameterSet]s) \cr [ParameterSet] objects to concatenate.
#' @param pss (`list()`) \cr Alternatively pass a list of [ParameterSet]
#' objects.
#' @export
c.ParameterSet <- function(..., pss = list(...)) {

#' @title Concatenate ParameterSet Objects
#' @description Concatenate multiple [ParameterSet] objects into a single
#' [ParameterSet].
#' @details Concatenates ids, tags, tag properties and dependencies,
#' but not transformations.
#' @param ... ([ParameterSet]s) \cr Named [ParameterSet] objects to concatenate.
#' @param pss (`named list()`) \cr Alternatively pass a named list of
#' [ParameterSet] objects.
#' @param clone (`logical(1)`) \cr If `TRUE` (default) parameter sets are deep
#' cloned before combination, useful to prevent original sets being prefixed.
#' @export
cpset <- function(..., pss = list(...), clone = TRUE) {

  checkmate::assert_list(pss, names = "unique")

  pss <- lapply(seq_along(pss), function(i) {
    .x <- pss[[i]]
    if (clone) {
      .x <- .x$clone(deep = TRUE)


.combine_unique <- function(pss) {

  pnew <- pset()
  pri <- get_private(pnew)
  pri$.id <- unlist(rlapply(pss, "ids"), TRUE, FALSE)
  pri$.supports <- unlist(rlapply(pss, ".supports"))
  pri$.isupports <- invert_names(pri$.supports)
  pri$.value <- unlist(rlapply(pss, "values"), FALSE)
  pri$.tags <- unlist(rlapply(pss, ".tags"), FALSE)

  trafo <- drop_null(rlapply(pss, "trafo"))
  if (length(trafo)) {
    trafo <- trafo[!duplicated(trafo)]
    if (length(trafo) == 1 && is.null(names(trafo))) {
      trafo <- trafo[[1]]
    pri$.trafo <- trafo

  deps <- drop_null(rlapply(pss, ".deps"))
  if (length(deps) == 1) {
    pri$.deps <- deps[[1]]
  } else if (length(deps) > 1) {
    pri$.deps <- do.call(rbind, deps)

  imm <- unlist(rlapply(pss, ".immutable"), FALSE)
  if (length(imm)) {
    pri$.immutable <- imm

  props <- unlist(rlapply(pss, ".tag_properties"), FALSE)
  if (length(props)) {
    tprop <- list()
    tprop$required <- unique(unlist(list_element(props, "required")))
    tprop$linked <- unique(unlist(list_element(props, "linked")))
    tprop$unique <- unique(unlist(list_element(props, "unique")))
    tprop$immutable <- unique(unlist(list_element(props, "immutable")))

    if (any(duplicated(unlist(tprop)))) {
      stop("Cannot merge inconsistent tag properties.")

    pri$.tag_properties <- tprop


#' @title Coerce a ParameterSet to a data.table
#' @description Coercion from [ParameterSet] to [data.table::data.table].
#' Dependencies, transformations, and tag properties are all lost in
#' coercion.
#' @param x ([ParameterSet])
#' @param sort (`logical(1)`) \cr If `TRUE`(default) sorts the [ParameterSet]
#' alphabetically by id.
#' @param ... (`ANY`) \cr Other arguments, currently unused.
#' @export
as.data.table.ParameterSet <- function(x, sort = TRUE, ...) { # nolint
  if (length(x$ids) == 0) {
    return(data.table(Id = character(0), Support = list(), Value = list(),
                      Tags = character(0)))

  if (length(x$deps) || length(get_private(x)$.trafo)) {
    warning("Dependencies and trafos are lost in coercion.")

  vals <- expand_list(x$ids, x$values)
  tags <- expand_list(x$ids, x$tags)

  dt <- data.table::data.table(
    Id = x$ids,
    Support = x$supports,
    Value = vals[match(names(vals), x$ids)],
    Tags = tags[match(names(tags), x$ids)]
  if (sort) {
    Id <- NULL # binding fix
    data.table::setorder(dt, Id)

#' @title Extract a sub-ParameterSet by Parameters
#' @description Creates a new [ParameterSet] by extracting the given
#' parameters. S3 method for the `$extract` public method.
#' @param object ([ParameterSet])
#' @param ... (`ANY`) \cr Passed to [ParameterSet]$extract
#' @export
`[.ParameterSet` <- function(object, ...) {

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