rearrest: Data on time until re-incarceration for 194 inmates.

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Henning and Frueh (1996) followed criminal activities of 194 inmates released from a medium security prison for 36 months. The data from this study can be used to investigate the time until the former inmates were re-arrested. If the former inmate had been re-arrested for a criminal act before 36 months (after initial prison release) had passed, then that former inmate<e2><80><99>s event time was complete. If the former inmate had not been re-arrested for a criminal act after 36 months had passed, or had completely dropped out of the study, then that former inmate<e2><80><99>s event time was right censored.




A data frame with 194 rows and 5 variables:


months until re-arrest


censoring status indicator variable (0 = censored event time, 1 = complete event time)


a dichotomous variable identifying former inmates who had a history of person-related crimes (1 = personal), i.e. those with one or more convictions for offenses such as aggravated assault or kidnapping


a dichotomous variable indicating whether former inmates were convicted of a property-related crime (1 = property)


the "centered" age of individual, i.e. the difference between the age of the individual upon release and the average age of all inmates in the study.


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