mean_force: Apply the mean velocity of all the neighbors to a particle

mean_forceR Documentation

Apply the mean velocity of all the neighbors to a particle


This force takes the mean of all the neighbors (in the graph sense) of a particle (and optionally itself) and applies it to itself.

Training parameters

The following parameters defines the training of the force and can be passed along a call to wield()

  • include_self : Should the velocity of itself be included in the mean calculation

  • mode : How should neighbors be found? 'all' uses all edges. 'out' only uses outbound edges, and 'in' only uses inbound edges. Ignored for undirected particle graphs

See Also

Other forces: center_force, collision_force, field_force, link_force, manybody_force, map_force, random_force, reset_force, trap_force, x_force, y_force

particles documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 5:06 p.m.