
Defines functions parse_cdisc_datetime

Documented in parse_cdisc_datetime

#' Regular expression for CDISC-style datetime parsing
#' @keywords internal
re_cdisc_datetime <- paste0(

# Further considerations
# - Can dates be "missing-on-the-end"? Like 2022-07--T-
#   these are currently valid

#' Parse cdisc datetime strings as parttime matrix
#' @param x A \code{character} vector of iso8601 datetime strings
#' @param warn A \code{logical} indicating whether to warn when information
#'   would be loss when coercing to a \code{parttime} matrix.
#' @param ... Additional arguments unused
#' @return A matrix of capture fields discovered while parsing CDISC-style
#'   datetimes.
#' @references
#'   [CDISC SDTMIG v3.4](https://www.cdisc.org/system/files/members/standard/foundational/SDTMIG_v3.4.pdf)
#' @rdname parse_parttime
#' @export
parse_cdisc_datetime <- function(x, warn = TRUE, ...) {
  m <- parse_to_parttime_matrix(x, regex = re_cdisc_datetime)
  m[m == "-"] <- ""
  m <- clean_parsed_parttime_matrix(m)

  first_na <- apply(is.na(m), 1L, Position, f = identity)
  last_val <- apply(!is.na(m), 1L, Position, f = identity)

  if (any(!is.na(first_na) & !is.na(last_val) & last_val > first_na)) {
      "Missing-in-the-middle datetime handline is experimental. ",
      "Please report bugs as you encounter them with: \n\n",
      "   bug.report(package = 'parttime')",


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parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.