pgleissberg: Gleissberg distribution probability

View source: R/pgleissberg.R

pgleissbergR Documentation

Gleissberg distribution probability


The Gleissberg distribution gives the probability to have k extrema in a series of n observations. This distribution is used in the turnogram to determine if monotony indices are significant (see turnogram())


pgleissberg(n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, two.tailed=FALSE)



the number of observations in the series


the number of extrema in the series, as calculated by turnpoints()


if lower.tail=TRUE (by default) and two.tailed=FALSE, the left-side probability is returned. If it is FALSE, the right-side probability is returned


if two.tailed=TRUE, the two-sided probability is returned. By default, it is FALSE and a one-sided probability is returned (left or right, depending on the value of lower.tail


a value giving the probability to have k extrema in a series of n observations


The Gleissberg distribution is asymptotically normal. For n > 50, the distribution is approximated by a Gaussian curve. For lower n values, the exact probability is returned (using data in the variable .gleissberg.table


Frédéric Ibanez (, Philippe Grosjean (


Dallot, S. & M. Etienne, 1990. Une méthode non paramétrique d'analyse des séries en océanographie biologique: les tournogrammes. Biométrie et océanographie - Société de biométrie, 6, Lille, 26-28 mai 1986. IFREMER, Actes de colloques, 10:13-31.

Johnson, N.L. & Kotz, S., 1969. Discrete distributions. J. Wiley & sons, New York, 328 pp.

See Also

.gleissberg.table, turnpoints, turnogram


# Until n=50, the exact probability is returned
pgleissberg(20, 10, lower.tail=TRUE, two.tailed=FALSE)
# For higher n values, it is approximated by a normal distribution
pgleissberg(60, 33, lower.tail=TRUE, two.tailed=FALSE)

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