Man pages for patchwork
The Composer of Plots

align_plotsDeprecated functions
areaSpecify a plotting area in a layout
freeFree a plot from various alignments
guide_areaAdd an area to hold collected guides
inset_elementCreate an inset to be added on top of the previous plot
multipage_alignAlign plots across multiple pages
patchGrobGet a grob describing the content of a patch object
patchworkGrobConvert a patchwork to a gtable
patchwork-packagepatchwork: The Composer of Plots
plot_annotationAnnotate the final patchwork
plot_arithmeticPlot arithmetic
plot_layoutDefine the grid to compose plots in
plot_spacerAdd a completely blank area
wrap_elementsWrap arbitrary graphics in a patchwork-compliant patch
wrap_ggplot_grobMake a gtable created from a ggplot object patchwork...
wrap_plotsWrap plots into a patchwork
wrap_tableWrap a table in a patchwork compliant patch
patchwork documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:07 a.m.