area: Specify a plotting area in a layout

View source: R/plot_layout.R

areaR Documentation

Specify a plotting area in a layout


This is a small helper used to specify a single area in a rectangular grid that should contain a plot. Objects constructed with area() can be concatenated together with c() in order to specify multiple areas.


area(t, l, b = t, r = l)


t, b

The top and bottom bounds of the area in the grid

l, r

The left and right bounds of the area int the grid


The grid that the areas are specified in reference to enumerate rows from top to bottom, and coloumns from left to right. This means that t and l should always be less or equal to b and r respectively. Instead of specifying area placement with a combination of area() calls, it is possible to instead pass in a single string

areas <- c(area(1, 1, 2, 1),
           area(2, 3, 3, 3))

is equivalent to

areas < -"A##

For an example of this, see the plot_layout() examples.


A patch_area object



p1 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(mpg, disp))
p2 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_boxplot(aes(gear, disp, group = gear))
p3 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_bar(aes(gear)) + facet_wrap(~cyl)

layout <- c(
  area(1, 1),
  area(1, 3, 3),
  area(3, 1, 3, 2)

# Show the layout to make sure it looks as it should

# Apply it to a patchwork
p1 + p2 + p3 + plot_layout(design = layout)

patchwork documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.