Man pages for paws.common
Paws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API

as.list.structCreate a list from an struct object
aws_errorGenerate a classed http error
get_configGet the service configuration from the service object.
handlersSet or add to handler lists
is_emptyCheck whether an object is empty
is_empty_xmlCheck whether an object is empty for xml builds
list_paginatorsList methods that can be paginated from a paws client.
merge_configMerges config lists for paws services
new_handlersReturn request handlers for a service
new_operationReturn an API operation object
new_requestReturn an API request object
new_serviceReturn an AWS API service object
paginatePaginate over an operation.
paws_config_logpaws logging system
paws_reset_cacheClear down paws cache environments
populatePopulate a list with data from another list
send_requestSend a request and handle the response
set_configAdd configuration settings to a service object.
set_service_parameterSet service parameters
tagsGet, set, and delete object tags
paws.common documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:08 a.m.