
Defines functions service lightsail

Documented in lightsail

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common new_handlers new_service set_config merge_config

#' Amazon Lightsail
#' @description
#' Amazon Lightsail is the easiest way to get started with Amazon Web
#' Services (Amazon Web Services) for developers who need to build websites
#' or web applications. It includes everything you need to launch your
#' project quickly - instances (virtual private servers), container
#' services, storage buckets, managed databases, SSD-based block storage,
#' static IP addresses, load balancers, content delivery network (CDN)
#' distributions, DNS management of registered domains, and resource
#' snapshots (backups) - for a low, predictable monthly price.
#' You can manage your Lightsail resources using the Lightsail console,
#' Lightsail API, Command Line Interface (CLI), or SDKs. For more
#' information about Lightsail concepts and tasks, see the [Amazon
#' Lightsail Developer
#' Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/lightsail/latest/userguide/lightsail-how-to-set-up-access-keys-to-use-sdk-api-cli.html).
#' This API Reference provides detailed information about the actions, data
#' types, parameters, and errors of the Lightsail service. For more
#' information about the supported Amazon Web Services Regions, endpoints,
#' and service quotas of the Lightsail service, see [Amazon Lightsail
#' Endpoints and
#' Quotas](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/lightsail.html) in
#' the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*.
#' @param
#' config
#' Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{credentials}: \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{creds}: \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{access_key_id}: AWS access key ID}
#' \item{\strong{secret_access_key}: AWS secret access key}
#' \item{\strong{session_token}: AWS temporary session token}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{profile}: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.}
#' \item{\strong{anonymous}: Set anonymous credentials.}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{endpoint}: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.}
#' \item{\strong{region}: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.}
#' \item{\strong{close_connection}: Immediately close all HTTP connections.}
#' \item{\strong{timeout}: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.}
#' \item{\strong{s3_force_path_style}: Set this to `true` to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. `http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/KEY`.}
#' \item{\strong{sts_regional_endpoint}: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy \url{https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-sts-regionalized-endpoints.html}}
#' }
#' @param
#' credentials
#' Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{creds}: \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{access_key_id}: AWS access key ID}
#' \item{\strong{secret_access_key}: AWS secret access key}
#' \item{\strong{session_token}: AWS temporary session token}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{profile}: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.}
#' \item{\strong{anonymous}: Set anonymous credentials.}
#' }
#' @param
#' endpoint
#' Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.
#' @param
#' region
#' Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.
#' @section Service syntax:
#' ```
#' svc <- lightsail(
#'   config = list(
#'     credentials = list(
#'       creds = list(
#'         access_key_id = "string",
#'         secret_access_key = "string",
#'         session_token = "string"
#'       ),
#'       profile = "string",
#'       anonymous = "logical"
#'     ),
#'     endpoint = "string",
#'     region = "string",
#'     close_connection = "logical",
#'     timeout = "numeric",
#'     s3_force_path_style = "logical",
#'     sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
#'   ),
#'   credentials = list(
#'     creds = list(
#'       access_key_id = "string",
#'       secret_access_key = "string",
#'       session_token = "string"
#'     ),
#'     profile = "string",
#'     anonymous = "logical"
#'   ),
#'   endpoint = "string",
#'   region = "string"
#' )
#' ```
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' svc <- lightsail()
#' svc$allocate_static_ip(
#'   Foo = 123
#' )
#' }
#' @section Operations:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \link[=lightsail_allocate_static_ip]{allocate_static_ip} \tab Allocates a static IP address\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_attach_certificate_to_distribution]{attach_certificate_to_distribution} \tab Attaches an SSL/TLS certificate to your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_attach_disk]{attach_disk} \tab Attaches a block storage disk to a running or stopped Lightsail instance and exposes it to the instance with the specified disk name\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_attach_instances_to_load_balancer]{attach_instances_to_load_balancer} \tab Attaches one or more Lightsail instances to a load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_attach_load_balancer_tls_certificate]{attach_load_balancer_tls_certificate} \tab Attaches a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate to your load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_attach_static_ip]{attach_static_ip} \tab Attaches a static IP address to a specific Amazon Lightsail instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_close_instance_public_ports]{close_instance_public_ports} \tab Closes ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_copy_snapshot]{copy_snapshot} \tab Copies a manual snapshot of an instance or disk as another manual snapshot, or copies an automatic snapshot of an instance or disk as a manual snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_bucket]{create_bucket} \tab Creates an Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_bucket_access_key]{create_bucket_access_key} \tab Creates a new access key for the specified Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_certificate]{create_certificate} \tab Creates an SSL/TLS certificate for an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution and a container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_cloud_formation_stack]{create_cloud_formation_stack} \tab Creates an AWS CloudFormation stack, which creates a new Amazon EC2 instance from an exported Amazon Lightsail snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_contact_method]{create_contact_method} \tab Creates an email or SMS text message contact method\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_container_service]{create_container_service} \tab Creates an Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_container_service_deployment]{create_container_service_deployment} \tab Creates a deployment for your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_container_service_registry_login]{create_container_service_registry_login} \tab Creates a temporary set of log in credentials that you can use to log in to the Docker process on your local machine\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_disk]{create_disk} \tab Creates a block storage disk that can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance in the same Availability Zone (us-east-2a)\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_disk_from_snapshot]{create_disk_from_snapshot} \tab Creates a block storage disk from a manual or automatic snapshot of a disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_disk_snapshot]{create_disk_snapshot} \tab Creates a snapshot of a block storage disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_distribution]{create_distribution} \tab Creates an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_domain]{create_domain} \tab Creates a domain resource for the specified domain (example\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_domain_entry]{create_domain_entry} \tab Creates one of the following domain name system (DNS) records in a domain DNS zone: Address (A), canonical name (CNAME), mail exchanger (MX), name server (NS), start of authority (SOA), service locator (SRV), or text (TXT)\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_gui_session_access_details]{create_gui_session_access_details} \tab Creates two URLs that are used to access a virtual computer’s graphical user interface (GUI) session\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_instances]{create_instances} \tab Creates one or more Amazon Lightsail instances\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_instances_from_snapshot]{create_instances_from_snapshot} \tab Creates one or more new instances from a manual or automatic snapshot of an instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_instance_snapshot]{create_instance_snapshot} \tab Creates a snapshot of a specific virtual private server, or instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_key_pair]{create_key_pair} \tab Creates a custom SSH key pair that you can use with an Amazon Lightsail instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_load_balancer]{create_load_balancer} \tab Creates a Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_load_balancer_tls_certificate]{create_load_balancer_tls_certificate} \tab Creates an SSL/TLS certificate for an Amazon Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_relational_database]{create_relational_database} \tab Creates a new database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_relational_database_from_snapshot]{create_relational_database_from_snapshot} \tab Creates a new database from an existing database snapshot in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_create_relational_database_snapshot]{create_relational_database_snapshot} \tab Creates a snapshot of your database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_alarm]{delete_alarm} \tab Deletes an alarm\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_auto_snapshot]{delete_auto_snapshot} \tab Deletes an automatic snapshot of an instance or disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_bucket]{delete_bucket} \tab Deletes a Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_bucket_access_key]{delete_bucket_access_key} \tab Deletes an access key for the specified Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_certificate]{delete_certificate} \tab Deletes an SSL/TLS certificate for your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_contact_method]{delete_contact_method} \tab Deletes a contact method\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_container_image]{delete_container_image} \tab Deletes a container image that is registered to your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_container_service]{delete_container_service} \tab Deletes your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_disk]{delete_disk} \tab Deletes the specified block storage disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_disk_snapshot]{delete_disk_snapshot} \tab Deletes the specified disk snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_distribution]{delete_distribution} \tab Deletes your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_domain]{delete_domain} \tab Deletes the specified domain recordset and all of its domain records\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_domain_entry]{delete_domain_entry} \tab Deletes a specific domain entry\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_instance]{delete_instance} \tab Deletes an Amazon Lightsail instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_instance_snapshot]{delete_instance_snapshot} \tab Deletes a specific snapshot of a virtual private server (or instance)\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_key_pair]{delete_key_pair} \tab Deletes the specified key pair by removing the public key from Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_known_host_keys]{delete_known_host_keys} \tab Deletes the known host key or certificate used by the Amazon Lightsail browser-based SSH or RDP clients to authenticate an instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_load_balancer]{delete_load_balancer} \tab Deletes a Lightsail load balancer and all its associated SSL/TLS certificates\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_load_balancer_tls_certificate]{delete_load_balancer_tls_certificate} \tab Deletes an SSL/TLS certificate associated with a Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_relational_database]{delete_relational_database} \tab Deletes a database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_delete_relational_database_snapshot]{delete_relational_database_snapshot} \tab Deletes a database snapshot in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_detach_certificate_from_distribution]{detach_certificate_from_distribution} \tab Detaches an SSL/TLS certificate from your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_detach_disk]{detach_disk} \tab Detaches a stopped block storage disk from a Lightsail instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_detach_instances_from_load_balancer]{detach_instances_from_load_balancer} \tab Detaches the specified instances from a Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_detach_static_ip]{detach_static_ip} \tab Detaches a static IP from the Amazon Lightsail instance to which it is attached\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_disable_add_on]{disable_add_on} \tab Disables an add-on for an Amazon Lightsail resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_download_default_key_pair]{download_default_key_pair} \tab Downloads the regional Amazon Lightsail default key pair\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_enable_add_on]{enable_add_on} \tab Enables or modifies an add-on for an Amazon Lightsail resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_export_snapshot]{export_snapshot} \tab Exports an Amazon Lightsail instance or block storage disk snapshot to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_active_names]{get_active_names} \tab Returns the names of all active (not deleted) resources\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_alarms]{get_alarms} \tab Returns information about the configured alarms\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_auto_snapshots]{get_auto_snapshots} \tab Returns the available automatic snapshots for an instance or disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_blueprints]{get_blueprints} \tab Returns the list of available instance images, or blueprints\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_bucket_access_keys]{get_bucket_access_keys} \tab Returns the existing access key IDs for the specified Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_bucket_bundles]{get_bucket_bundles} \tab Returns the bundles that you can apply to a Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_bucket_metric_data]{get_bucket_metric_data} \tab Returns the data points of a specific metric for an Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_buckets]{get_buckets} \tab Returns information about one or more Amazon Lightsail buckets\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_bundles]{get_bundles} \tab Returns the bundles that you can apply to an Amazon Lightsail instance when you create it\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_certificates]{get_certificates} \tab Returns information about one or more Amazon Lightsail SSL/TLS certificates\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_cloud_formation_stack_records]{get_cloud_formation_stack_records} \tab Returns the CloudFormation stack record created as a result of the create cloud formation stack operation\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_contact_methods]{get_contact_methods} \tab Returns information about the configured contact methods\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_api_metadata]{get_container_api_metadata} \tab Returns information about Amazon Lightsail containers, such as the current version of the Lightsail Control (lightsailctl) plugin\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_images]{get_container_images} \tab Returns the container images that are registered to your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_log]{get_container_log} \tab Returns the log events of a container of your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_service_deployments]{get_container_service_deployments} \tab Returns the deployments for your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_service_metric_data]{get_container_service_metric_data} \tab Returns the data points of a specific metric of your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_service_powers]{get_container_service_powers} \tab Returns the list of powers that can be specified for your Amazon Lightsail container services\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_container_services]{get_container_services} \tab Returns information about one or more of your Amazon Lightsail container services\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_cost_estimate]{get_cost_estimate} \tab Retrieves information about the cost estimate for a specified resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_disk]{get_disk} \tab Returns information about a specific block storage disk\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_disks]{get_disks} \tab Returns information about all block storage disks in your AWS account and region\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_disk_snapshot]{get_disk_snapshot} \tab Returns information about a specific block storage disk snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_disk_snapshots]{get_disk_snapshots} \tab Returns information about all block storage disk snapshots in your AWS account and region\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_distribution_bundles]{get_distribution_bundles} \tab Returns the bundles that can be applied to your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distributions\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_distribution_latest_cache_reset]{get_distribution_latest_cache_reset} \tab Returns the timestamp and status of the last cache reset of a specific Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_distribution_metric_data]{get_distribution_metric_data} \tab Returns the data points of a specific metric for an Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_distributions]{get_distributions} \tab Returns information about one or more of your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distributions\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_domain]{get_domain} \tab Returns information about a specific domain recordset\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_domains]{get_domains} \tab Returns a list of all domains in the user's account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_export_snapshot_records]{get_export_snapshot_records} \tab Returns all export snapshot records created as a result of the export snapshot operation\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance]{get_instance} \tab Returns information about a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, which is a virtual private server\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_access_details]{get_instance_access_details} \tab Returns temporary SSH keys you can use to connect to a specific virtual private server, or instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_metric_data]{get_instance_metric_data} \tab Returns the data points for the specified Amazon Lightsail instance metric, given an instance name\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_port_states]{get_instance_port_states} \tab Returns the firewall port states for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, the IP addresses allowed to connect to the instance through the ports, and the protocol\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instances]{get_instances} \tab Returns information about all Amazon Lightsail virtual private servers, or instances\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_snapshot]{get_instance_snapshot} \tab Returns information about a specific instance snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_snapshots]{get_instance_snapshots} \tab Returns all instance snapshots for the user's account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_instance_state]{get_instance_state} \tab Returns the state of a specific instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_key_pair]{get_key_pair} \tab Returns information about a specific key pair\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_key_pairs]{get_key_pairs} \tab Returns information about all key pairs in the user's account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_load_balancer]{get_load_balancer} \tab Returns information about the specified Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_load_balancer_metric_data]{get_load_balancer_metric_data} \tab Returns information about health metrics for your Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_load_balancers]{get_load_balancers} \tab Returns information about all load balancers in an account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_load_balancer_tls_certificates]{get_load_balancer_tls_certificates} \tab Returns information about the TLS certificates that are associated with the specified Lightsail load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_load_balancer_tls_policies]{get_load_balancer_tls_policies} \tab Returns a list of TLS security policies that you can apply to Lightsail load balancers\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_operation]{get_operation} \tab Returns information about a specific operation\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_operations]{get_operations} \tab Returns information about all operations\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_operations_for_resource]{get_operations_for_resource} \tab Gets operations for a specific resource (an instance or a static IP)\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_regions]{get_regions} \tab Returns a list of all valid regions for Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database]{get_relational_database} \tab Returns information about a specific database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_blueprints]{get_relational_database_blueprints} \tab Returns a list of available database blueprints in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_bundles]{get_relational_database_bundles} \tab Returns the list of bundles that are available in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_events]{get_relational_database_events} \tab Returns a list of events for a specific database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_log_events]{get_relational_database_log_events} \tab Returns a list of log events for a database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_log_streams]{get_relational_database_log_streams} \tab Returns a list of available log streams for a specific database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_master_user_password]{get_relational_database_master_user_password} \tab Returns the current, previous, or pending versions of the master user password for a Lightsail database\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_metric_data]{get_relational_database_metric_data} \tab Returns the data points of the specified metric for a database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_parameters]{get_relational_database_parameters} \tab Returns all of the runtime parameters offered by the underlying database software, or engine, for a specific database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_databases]{get_relational_databases} \tab Returns information about all of your databases in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_snapshot]{get_relational_database_snapshot} \tab Returns information about a specific database snapshot in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_relational_database_snapshots]{get_relational_database_snapshots} \tab Returns information about all of your database snapshots in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_setup_history]{get_setup_history} \tab Returns detailed information for five of the most recent SetupInstanceHttps requests that were ran on the target instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_static_ip]{get_static_ip} \tab Returns information about an Amazon Lightsail static IP\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_get_static_ips]{get_static_ips} \tab Returns information about all static IPs in the user's account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_import_key_pair]{import_key_pair} \tab Imports a public SSH key from a specific key pair\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_is_vpc_peered]{is_vpc_peered} \tab Returns a Boolean value indicating whether your Lightsail VPC is peered\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_open_instance_public_ports]{open_instance_public_ports} \tab Opens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and specifies the IP addresses allowed to connect to the instance through the ports, and the protocol\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_peer_vpc]{peer_vpc} \tab Peers the Lightsail VPC with the user's default VPC\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_put_alarm]{put_alarm} \tab Creates or updates an alarm, and associates it with the specified metric\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_put_instance_public_ports]{put_instance_public_ports} \tab Opens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and specifies the IP addresses allowed to connect to the instance through the ports, and the protocol\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_reboot_instance]{reboot_instance} \tab Restarts a specific instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_reboot_relational_database]{reboot_relational_database} \tab Restarts a specific database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_register_container_image]{register_container_image} \tab Registers a container image to your Amazon Lightsail container service\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_release_static_ip]{release_static_ip} \tab Deletes a specific static IP from your account\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_reset_distribution_cache]{reset_distribution_cache} \tab Deletes currently cached content from your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_send_contact_method_verification]{send_contact_method_verification} \tab Sends a verification request to an email contact method to ensure it's owned by the requester\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_set_ip_address_type]{set_ip_address_type} \tab Sets the IP address type for an Amazon Lightsail resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_set_resource_access_for_bucket]{set_resource_access_for_bucket} \tab Sets the Amazon Lightsail resources that can access the specified Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_setup_instance_https]{setup_instance_https} \tab Creates an SSL/TLS certificate that secures traffic for your website\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_start_gui_session]{start_gui_session} \tab Initiates a graphical user interface (GUI) session that’s used to access a virtual computer’s operating system and application\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_start_instance]{start_instance} \tab Starts a specific Amazon Lightsail instance from a stopped state\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_start_relational_database]{start_relational_database} \tab Starts a specific database from a stopped state in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_stop_gui_session]{stop_gui_session} \tab Terminates a web-based NICE DCV session that’s used to access a virtual computer’s operating system or application\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_stop_instance]{stop_instance} \tab Stops a specific Amazon Lightsail instance that is currently running\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_stop_relational_database]{stop_relational_database} \tab Stops a specific database that is currently running in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_tag_resource]{tag_resource} \tab Adds one or more tags to the specified Amazon Lightsail resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_test_alarm]{test_alarm} \tab Tests an alarm by displaying a banner on the Amazon Lightsail console\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_unpeer_vpc]{unpeer_vpc} \tab Unpeers the Lightsail VPC from the user's default VPC\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_untag_resource]{untag_resource} \tab Deletes the specified set of tag keys and their values from the specified Amazon Lightsail resource\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_bucket]{update_bucket} \tab Updates an existing Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_bucket_bundle]{update_bucket_bundle} \tab Updates the bundle, or storage plan, of an existing Amazon Lightsail bucket\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_container_service]{update_container_service} \tab Updates the configuration of your Amazon Lightsail container service, such as its power, scale, and public domain names\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_distribution]{update_distribution} \tab Updates an existing Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_distribution_bundle]{update_distribution_bundle} \tab Updates the bundle of your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_domain_entry]{update_domain_entry} \tab Updates a domain recordset after it is created\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_instance_metadata_options]{update_instance_metadata_options} \tab Modifies the Amazon Lightsail instance metadata parameters on a running or stopped instance\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_load_balancer_attribute]{update_load_balancer_attribute} \tab Updates the specified attribute for a load balancer\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_relational_database]{update_relational_database} \tab Allows the update of one or more attributes of a database in Amazon Lightsail\cr
#'  \link[=lightsail_update_relational_database_parameters]{update_relational_database_parameters} \tab Allows the update of one or more parameters of a database in Amazon Lightsail
#' }
#' @return
#' A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
#' syntax like `svc$operation(...)`, where `svc` is the name you've assigned
#' to the client. The available operations are listed in the
#' Operations section.
#' @rdname lightsail
#' @export
lightsail <- function(config = list(), credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) {
  config <- merge_config(
      credentials = credentials,
      endpoint = endpoint,
      region = region
  svc <- .lightsail$operations
  svc <- set_config(svc, config)

# Private API objects: metadata, handlers, interfaces, etc.
.lightsail <- list()

.lightsail$operations <- list()

.lightsail$metadata <- list(
  service_name = "lightsail",
  endpoints = list("*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.amazonaws.com", global = FALSE), "cn-*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.amazonaws.com.cn", global = FALSE), "eu-isoe-*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.cloud.adc-e.uk", global = FALSE), "us-iso-*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.c2s.ic.gov", global = FALSE), "us-isob-*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.sc2s.sgov.gov", global = FALSE), "us-isof-*" = list(endpoint = "lightsail.{region}.csp.hci.ic.gov", global = FALSE)),
  service_id = "Lightsail",
  api_version = "2016-11-28",
  signing_name = "lightsail",
  json_version = "1.1",
  target_prefix = "Lightsail_20161128"

.lightsail$service <- function(config = list()) {
  handlers <- new_handlers("jsonrpc", "v4")
  new_service(.lightsail$metadata, handlers, config)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

paws.compute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:16 a.m.