Man pages for pbkrtest
Parametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite Based Methods for Test in Mixed Models

compare_column_spaceCompare column spaces
compute_auxiliaryCompute_auxiliary quantities needed for the Satterthwaite...
data-beetsSugar beets data
data-budwormBudworm data
devfun_vpCompute deviance of a linear mixed model as a function of...
get_covbetaCompute covariance of fixed effect parameters as a function...
get_ddf_LbAdjusted denominator degrees of freedom for linear estimate...
get_Fstat_ddfCompute denominator degrees of freedom for F-test
get_modcompExtract (or "get") components from a 'KRmodcomp' object.
internalInternal functions for the pbkrtest package
internal-pbkrtestpbkrtest internal
kr_modcompF-test and degrees of freedom based on Kenward-Roger...
kr-vcovAdjAdjusted covariance matrix for linear mixed models according...
model-coerceConversion between a model object and a restriction matrix
pb_modcompModel comparison using parametric bootstrap methods.
pb-refdistCalculate reference distribution using parametric bootstrap
sat_modcompF-test and degrees of freedom based on Satterthwaite...
pbkrtest documentation built on June 27, 2024, 1:07 a.m.