
Defines functions udag2pdagRelaxed2

udag2pdagRelaxed2 <- function(gInput, verbose = FALSE, unfVect = NULL,
                              solve.confl = FALSE, orientCollider = TRUE,
                              rules = rep(TRUE, 3), non.collider.nodes=1) {

#' param non.collider.nodes (Default 1) A vector of integers
#        indicating which nodes are genetic, ie at which position are G and the QTLs.
#        G has to be in the first column, so if there are no qtls, we should haven
#        non.collider.nodes=1 (the default).  They are called non.collider.nodes because
#        these are the only nodes that can never be colliders.

# All other parameters are exactly as in the original udag2pdagRelaxed function

# for the standard version, put non.collider.nodes=integer()

    orientConflictCollider <- function(pdag, x, y, z) {
        #cat('orientConflictCollider', '\n')
        if (pdag[x, y] == 1) {
            pdag[y, x] <- 0
        else {
            pdag[x, y] <- pdag[y, x] <- 2

        if (pdag[z, y] == 1) {
            pdag[y, z] <- 0
        else {
            pdag[z, y] <- pdag[y, z] <- 2


    rule1 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE, unfVect = NULL) {
        search.pdag <- pdag
        ind <- which(pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
            a <- ind[i, 1]
            b <- ind[i, 2]
            isC <- which(search.pdag[b, ] == 1 & search.pdag[,
                b] == 1 & search.pdag[a, ] == 0 & search.pdag[,
                a] == 0)
            if (length(isC) > 0) {
                for (ii in seq_along(isC)) {
                  c <- isC[ii]
                  if (!solve.confl | (pdag[b, c] == 1 & pdag[c,
                    b] == 1)) {
                    if (!is.null(unfVect)) {
                      if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b,
                        c), na.rm = TRUE) && !any(unfVect ==
                        triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
                        pdag[b, c] <- 1
                        pdag[c, b] <- 0
                    else {
                      pdag[b, c] <- 1
                      pdag[c, b] <- 0
                    if (verbose)
                      cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, " and ",
                        b, "-", c, " where ", a, " and ", c,
                        " not connected and ", a, b, c, " faithful triple: ",
                        b, "->", c, "\n")
                  else if (pdag[b, c] == 0 & pdag[c, b] == 1) {
                    if (!is.null(unfVect)) {
                      if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b,
                        c), na.rm = TRUE) && !any(unfVect ==
                        triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
                        pdag[b, c] <- 2
                        pdag[c, b] <- 2
                        if (verbose)
                          cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, "<-",
                            c, " but ", b, "->", c, "also possible and",
                            a, b, c, " faithful triple: ", a,
                            "->", b, "<->", c, "\n")
                    else {
                      pdag[b, c] <- 2
                      pdag[c, b] <- 2
                      if (verbose)
                        cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, "<-", c,
                          " but ", b, "->", c, "also possible and",
                          a, b, c, " faithful triple: ", a, "->",
                          b, "<->", c, "\n")
            if (!solve.confl)
                search.pdag <- pdag

    rule2 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE) {
        search.pdag <- pdag
        ind <- which(search.pdag == 1 & t(search.pdag) == 1,
            arr.ind = TRUE)
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
            a <- ind[i, 1]
            b <- ind[i, 2]
            isC <- which(search.pdag[a, ] == 1 & search.pdag[,
                a] == 0 & search.pdag[, b] == 1 & search.pdag[b,
                ] == 0)
            for (ii in seq_along(isC)) {
                c <- isC[ii]
                if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 & pdag[b,
                  a] == 1)) {
                  pdag[a, b] <- 1
                  pdag[b, a] <- 0
                  if (verbose)
                    cat("\nRule 2: Chain ", a, "->", c, "->",
                      b, ":", a, "->", b, "\n")
                else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] == 1) {
                  pdag[a, b] <- 2
                  pdag[b, a] <- 2
                  if (verbose)
                    cat("\nRule 2: Chain ", a, "->", c, "->",
                      b, ":", a, "<->", b, "\n")
            if (!solve.confl)
                search.pdag <- pdag

    rule3 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE, unfVect = NULL) {
        search.pdag <- pdag
        ind <- which(search.pdag == 1 & t(search.pdag) == 1,
            arr.ind = TRUE)
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
            a <- ind[i, 1]
            b <- ind[i, 2]
            c <- which(search.pdag[a, ] == 1 & search.pdag[,
                a] == 1 & search.pdag[, b] == 1 & search.pdag[b,
                ] == 0)
            if (length(c) >= 2) {
                cmb.C <- combn(c, 2)
                cC1 <- cmb.C[1, ]
                cC2 <- cmb.C[2, ]
                for (j in seq_along(cC1)) {
                  c1 <- cC1[j]
                  c2 <- cC2[j]
                  if (search.pdag[c1, c2] == 0 && search.pdag[c2,
                    c1] == 0) {
                    if (!is.null(unfVect)) {
                      if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c1,
                        a, c2), na.rm = TRUE) && !any(unfVect ==
                        triple2numb(p, c2, a, c1), na.rm = TRUE)) {
                        if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 &
                          pdag[b, a] == 1)) {
                          pdag[a, b] <- 1
                          pdag[b, a] <- 0
                          if (!solve.confl)
                            search.pdag <- pdag
                          if (verbose)
                            cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
                              a, "->", b, "\n")
                        else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] ==
                          1) {
                          pdag[a, b] <- pdag[b, a] <- 2
                          if (verbose)
                            cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
                              a, "<->", b, "\n")
                    else {
                      if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 & pdag[b,
                        a] == 1)) {
                        pdag[a, b] <- 1
                        pdag[b, a] <- 0
                        if (!solve.confl)
                          search.pdag <- pdag
                        if (verbose)
                          cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
                            a, "->", b, "\n")
                      else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] ==
                        1) {
                        pdag[a, b] <- pdag[b, a] <- 2
                        if (verbose)
                          cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
                            a, "<->", b, "\n")

    if (numEdges(gInput@graph) == 0)

    g <- as(gInput@graph, "matrix")
    p <- nrow(g)
    pdag <- g

    if (orientCollider) {

        ind <- which(g == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)

        # Modified the original udag2pdagRelaxed function
        # Instead of    for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {   .. we now do:

        for (i in setdiff(seq_len(nrow(ind)), which(as.integer(ind[,2]) %in% non.collider.nodes))) {

            x <- ind[i, 1]
            y <- ind[i, 2]
            allZ <- setdiff(which(g[y, ] == 1), x)

            for (z in allZ) {

                if (g[x, z] == 0 && !((y %in% gInput@sepset[[x]][[z]]) || (y %in% gInput@sepset[[z]][[x]])))

                  if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
                    if (!solve.confl) {
                      pdag[x, y] <- pdag[z, y] <- 1 # i.e. put an arrow from x to y and from z to y
                      pdag[y, x] <- pdag[y, z] <- 0
                    else {
                      pdag <- orientConflictCollider(pdag, x, y, z)
                  else {
                    if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, x, y,
                      z), na.rm = TRUE) && !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,
                      z, y, x), na.rm = TRUE))
                      if (!solve.confl) {
                        pdag[x, y] <- pdag[z, y] <- 1
                        pdag[y, x] <- pdag[y, z] <- 0
                      else {
                        pdag <- orientConflictCollider(pdag,x, y, z)
        # Modified the original udag2pdagRelaxed function, by adding the following 4 lines:
        for (nc in non.collider.nodes) {
          pdag[nc, which(g[nc,]==1)] <- 1
          pdag[which(g[nc,]==1), nc] <- 0
    repeat {
        old_pdag <- pdag
        if (rules[1]) {
            pdag <- rule1(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl, unfVect = unfVect)
        if (rules[2]) {
            pdag <- rule2(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl)
        if (rules[3]) {
            pdag <- rule3(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl, unfVect = unfVect)
        if (all(pdag == old_pdag))
    gInput@graph <- as(pdag, "graphNEL")

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