
Defines functions model.cont.hom.eqcor

model.cont.hom.eqcor <- function(prior.type = "unif", rank.prob = TRUE){
if(prior.type == "unif" & rank.prob){
 for(i in 1:len){
  mean[i] ~ dnorm(theta[i], n[i]/pow(sd[i], 2))
  theta[i] <- mu[t[i]] + vi[s[i], t[i]]
 for(j in 1:nstudy){
  vi[j, 1:ntrt] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:ntrt], T[1:ntrt, 1:ntrt])
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  mu[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  for(j in 1:ntrt){
   diff[i,j] <- mu[i] - mu[j]
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  for(k in 1:ntrt){ 
   T[j,k] <- 1/sigma^2*ifelse(j == k, diag, offdiag)
 diag <- (1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho)/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2)
 offdiag <- (-rho/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2))
 rho ~ dunif(-1/(ntrt - 1), 0.9999)
 sigma ~ dunif(0.0001, c)
 rk[1:ntrt] <- (ntrt + 1 - rank(mu[]))*ifelse(higher.better, 1, 0) + (rank(mu[]))*ifelse(higher.better, 0, 1)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  rank.prob[1:ntrt, i] <- equals(rk[], i)

if(prior.type == "unif" & !rank.prob){
 for(i in 1:len){
  mean[i] ~ dnorm(theta[i], n[i]/pow(sd[i], 2))
  theta[i] <- mu[t[i]] + vi[s[i], t[i]]
 for(j in 1:nstudy){
  vi[j, 1:ntrt] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:ntrt], T[1:ntrt, 1:ntrt])
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  mu[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  for(j in 1:ntrt){
   diff[i,j] <- mu[i] - mu[j]
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  for(k in 1:ntrt){ 
   T[j,k] <- 1/sigma^2*ifelse(j == k, diag, offdiag)
 diag <- (1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho)/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2)
 offdiag <- (-rho/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2))
 rho ~ dunif(-1/(ntrt - 1), 0.9999)
 sigma ~ dunif(0.0001, c)

if(prior.type == "invgamma" & rank.prob){
 for(i in 1:len){
  mean[i] ~ dnorm(theta[i], n[i]/pow(sd[i], 2))
  theta[i] <- mu[t[i]] + vi[s[i], t[i]]
 for(j in 1:nstudy){
  vi[j, 1:ntrt] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:ntrt], T[1:ntrt, 1:ntrt])
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  mu[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  for(j in 1:ntrt){
   diff[i,j] <- mu[i] - mu[j]
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  for(k in 1:ntrt){ 
   T[j,k] <- 1/sigma^2*ifelse(j == k, diag, offdiag)
 diag <- (1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho)/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2)
 offdiag <- (-rho/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2))
 rho ~ dunif(-1/(ntrt - 1), 0.9999)
 sigma <- 1/sqrt(inv.sig.sq)
 inv.sig.sq ~ dgamma(a, b)
 rk[1:ntrt] <- (ntrt + 1 - rank(mu[]))*ifelse(higher.better, 1, 0) + (rank(mu[]))*ifelse(higher.better, 0, 1)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  rank.prob[1:ntrt, i] <- equals(rk[], i)

if(prior.type == "invgamma" & !rank.prob){
 for(i in 1:len){
  mean[i] ~ dnorm(theta[i], n[i]/pow(sd[i], 2))
  theta[i] <- mu[t[i]] + vi[s[i], t[i]]
 for(j in 1:nstudy){
  vi[j, 1:ntrt] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:ntrt], T[1:ntrt, 1:ntrt])
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  mu[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
 for(i in 1:ntrt){
  for(j in 1:ntrt){
   diff[i,j] <- mu[i] - mu[j]
 for(j in 1:ntrt){
  for(k in 1:ntrt){ 
   T[j,k] <- 1/sigma^2*ifelse(j == k, diag, offdiag)
 diag <- (1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho)/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2)
 offdiag <- (-rho/(1 + (ntrt - 2)*rho - (ntrt - 1)*rho^2))
 rho ~ dunif(-1/(ntrt - 1), 0.9999)
 sigma <- 1/sqrt(inv.sig.sq)
 inv.sig.sq ~ dgamma(a, b)

if(!is.element(prior.type, c("unif", "invgamma"))){
  stop("specified prior type is wrong.")


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