Man pages for pder
Panel Data Econometrics with R

CallBacksCallbacks to Job Applications
CoordFailureHow to Overcome Organization Failure in Organization
DemocracyIncomeThe Relation Between Democraty and Income
DemocracyIncome25The Relation Between Democraty and Income
DialysisDiffusion of Haemodialysis Technology
DonorsDynamics of Charitable Giving
etwSpatial weights matrix for EvapoTransp
FinanceGrowthFinancial Institutions and Growth
ForeignTradeForeign Trade of Developing Countries
GiantsShouldersImpact of Institutions on Cumulative Research
HousePricesUSHouse Prices Data
IncomeMigrationHIncome and Migration, Household Data
IncomeMigrationVIncome and Migration, Village Data
index.jelJEL codes
IneqGrowthInequality and Growth
LandReformPolitics and Land Reforms in India
LateBudgetsLate Budgets
MafiaMafia and Public Spending
MagazinePricesMagazine Prices
RDPerfCompR and D Performing Companies
RDSpilloversResearch and Development Spillovers Data
ReelectionDeficits and Reelection
RegIneqInterregional Redistribution and Inequalities
ScrambleAfricaThe Long-run Effects of the Scramble for Africa
SeatBeltSeat Belt Usage and Traffic Fatalities
SeniorsIntergenerationals Experiments
SolowGrowth Model
TexasElectrProduction of Electricity in Texas
TileriesProduction of Tileries in Egypt
TobinQThe Q Theory of Investment
TradeEUTrade in the European Union
TradeFDITrade and Foreign Direct Investment in Germany and the United...
TurkishBanksTurkish Banks
TwinCrisesCosts of Currency and Banking Crises
usawSpatial weights matrix - 49 US states
pder documentation built on Jan. 27, 2022, 1:12 a.m.