Man pages for pdynmc
Moment Condition Based Estimation of Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models

ABdataEmployment, wages, capital, and output for companies based in...
case.names.pdynmcCase and Variable Names of Fitted Model.
cigDemandCigarette consumption in the US
coef.pdynmcExtract Coefficient Estimates of Fitted Model.
data.infoShow Basic Structure of Panel Dataset.
dummy.coef.pdynmcExtract Coefficient Estimates of Time Dummies of Fitted...
FDLSFirst Difference Least Squares (FDLS) Estimator of Han and...
fitted.pdynmcExtract Fitted Values of Fitted Model.
jtest.fctHansen J-Test.
model.matrix.pdynmcExtract Instrument Matrix of Fitted Model.
mtest.fctArellano and Bond Serial Correlation Test.
ninstExtract Instrument Count of Fitted Model.
ninst.pdynmcExtract Instrument Count of Fitted Model.
NLIVNonlinear Instrumental Variables Estimator - T-Version...
NLIV.altNonlinear Instrumental Variables Estimator - t-Version...
nobs.pdynmcExtract Number of Observations of Fitted Model.
optimInExtract Input Parameters of Numeric Optimization of Fitted...
optimIn.pdynmcExtract Input Parameters of Numeric Optimization of Fitted...
package-pdynmcpdynmc: A package for moment conditions based estimation of...
pDensTime.plotPlot Empirical Density of a Column of a Panel Dataset over...
pdynmcGeneralized Method of Moments (GMM) Estimation of Linear...
plot.pdynmcPlot Coefficient Estimates and Corresponding Ranges of Fitted...
print.pdynmcPrint Fitted Model Object.
print.summary.pdynmcPrint Summary of Fitted Model Object.
residuals.pdynmcExtract Residuals of Fitted Model.
strucUPD.plotPlot on Structure of Unbalanced Panel Dataset.
summary.pdynmcSummary for Fitted Model Object.
variable.names.pdynmcExtract Names of Explanatory Variables of Fitted Model.
vcov.pdynmcExtract Variance Covariance Matrix of Fitted Model.
wald.fctWald Test.
wmatExtract Weighting Matrix of Fitted Model.
wmat.pdynmcExtract Weighting Matrix of Fitted Model.
pdynmc documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:42 a.m.