Introduction to pedMermaid

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Markdown is a popular lightweight markup language that allows users to write formatted text using plain text. It is widely used for writing web content, blogging, documentation, reporting, and presentation. It is supported on popular platforms such as GitHub, and popular file formats such as R Markdown, where Markdown text, R code and outputs are collated.

Mermaid syntax is a Markdown-inspired text definition for creating dynamic and reproducible diagrams and charts. It can be viewed in Mermaid editors or embedded and rendered in a Markdown or R Markdown document. R package pedMermaid generates Mermaid syntax for creating a pedigree flowchart in Markdown and R Markdown, from a pedigree data frame.

R package pedMermaid is equipped with functions mermaid_md and mermaid_rmd for generating Mermaid flowchart syntax for Markdown and R Markdown, respectively. The syntax generated by mermaid_rmd is also applicable to Markdown. However, the syntax is more restricted (less customizations) and less compact.


The mermaid_md function provides the following customizations:

Currently, the following customizations are not supported by mermaid_rmd.

Node-specific customizations are defined by additional columns in the pedigree data frame, and the link customizations are defined via function arguments.


The pedigree data frame has three mandatory columns (ID, SIRE, and DAM), and optional columns (TextColor, BgColor, BorderColor, RoundBorder, DashBorder, and lwd). The order of columns does not matter, but column names do matter and case-sensitive.

Example 1

Let's generate pedigree flowcharts for a pedigree data frame with only the mandatory columns.

ped <- ped <- data.frame(
  ID = 1:7,
  SIRE = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5),
  DAM = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 0, 6)

x <- mermaid_md(ped)
cat(x, sep = "\n") # Display the output syntax on-screen.
# Do one of the following to write the output syntax into a file.
# cat(x, sep = "\n", file = "output.txt")
# write(x, file = "output.txt")

R package DiagrammeR is required to illustrate Mermaid diagrams on R Markdown documents.

x <- mermaid_rmd(ped)
cat(x, sep = "\n")
graph TB
    1 --> 3
    2 --> 3
    2 --> 4
    3 --> 5
    4 --> 5
    5 --> 7
    6 --> 7

From hereon, only the pedigree flowchart is shown, not the syntax.

Example 2

Let's repeat Example 1, changing arrow links to lines and the orientation to horizontal.

x <- mermaid_md(ped, orient = "LR", type = "line")

x <- mermaid_rmd(ped, orient = "LR", type = "line")
graph LR
    1 --- 3
    2 --- 3
    2 --- 4
    3 --- 5
    4 --- 5
    5 --- 7
    6 --- 7

Example 3

Let's repeat example 1 for mermaid_md, changing link curve to "step" and dashed.

x <- mermaid_md(ped, curve = "step", dash = "Y")

Example 4

Let's repeat example 1 for mermaid_rmd, showing females (2, 4, 6) with pink background and round border edges.

ped$BgColor <- c(NA, "pink", NA, "pink", NA, "pink", NA)
ped$RoundBorder <- c(NA, "Y", NA, "Y", NA, "Y", NA)
x <- mermaid_rmd(ped)
graph TB
    1 --> 3
    2 --> 3
    2 --> 4(4)
    3 --> 5
    4 --> 5
    5 --> 7
    6 --> 7
    style 2 fill:pink
    style 4 fill:pink
    style 6 fill:pink

Note that one could use hex color codes rather than color names. Using the default value and NA are equivalent. For example, using "N" (default value) and NA in the RoundBorder column, results in the same output.

Example 5

Let's repeat Example 4, denoting individuals in the control group (2, 5, 7) with a ticker border line.

ped$lwd <- c(NA, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3) # NA & 1 are equivalent.
x <- mermaid_rmd(ped)
graph TB
    1 --> 3
    2 --> 3
    2 --> 4(4)
    3 --> 5
    4 --> 5
    5 --> 7
    6 --> 7
    style 2 fill:pink,stroke-width:3
    style 4 fill:pink
    style 5 stroke-width:3
    style 6 fill:pink
    style 7 stroke-width:3

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pedMermaid documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:10 p.m.