mermaid_md | R Documentation |
Generate Mermaid syntax for a pedigree flowchart in Markdown
orient = "TB",
type = "arrow",
curve = "basis",
dash = "N",
lwd = 2,
color = "black"
ped |
: A data frame with the mandatory columns ID, SIRE, and DAM,
and the optional columns TextColor, BgColor, BorderColor, RoundBorder, DashBorder, and lwd.
The optional columns define (child) node-specific shape and style (corresponding to the ID column).
The order of columns does not matter, but column names do matter and case-sensitive.
ID : Numeric or alphanumeric individual identifications. SIRE : Sire identifications. Missing sires are denoted as 0. DAM : Dam identifications. Missing dams are denoted as 0. TextColor : Child (corresponding to ID) node's text color (valid color names and valid hex color codes).
If this column is missing, the default color ( BgColor : Child (corresponding to ID) node's background color (valid color names and valid hex color codes).
If this column is missing, the default color ( BorderColor : Child (corresponding to ID) node's border color (valid color names and valid hex color codes).
If this column is missing, the default color ( RoundBorder : Child (corresponding to ID) node's border shape (90 DashBorder : Child (corresponding to ID) node's border line style (dashed vs solid).
This column receives lwd : Child (corresponding to ID) node's border line width.
This column receives values > 0, |
orient |
: Defines the orientation of the flowchart ( |
type |
: Defines the type of links in the flowchart ( |
curve |
: Defines the shape of links in the flowchart
( |
dash |
: Defines the style of links in the flowchart ( |
lwd |
: Defines the width of links in the flowchart (> 0 and |
color |
: Defines the color of links in the flowchart (a valid color name or a valid hex color code).
If no input is provided, the default color ( |
: A vector of character strings. Each character string is a Mermaid syntax line.
Assuming the returned output is saved in object x
use cat(x, sep = "\n")
to display the output on-screen,
and cat(x, sep = "\n", file = "output.txt")
or write(x, file = "output.txt")
to write the output into a file.
# A sample pedigree data frame with only the three mandatory columns.
ped <- data.frame(ID = 1:7, SIRE = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5), DAM = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 0, 6))
# Example 1: A pedigree Mermaid syntax without customizations.
x <- mermaid_md(ped)
# Read the "Value" part about displaying the output on-screen and writing it into a file.
# Example 2: Repeat example 1. Change arrow links to lines and the orientation to horizontal.
x <- mermaid_md(ped, orient = "LR", type = "line")
# Example 3: Repeat example 1. Pink background and round border edges for females (2, 4, 6).
ped$BgColor <- c(NA, "pink", NA, "pink", NA, "pink", NA)
ped$RoundBorder <- c(NA, "Y", NA, "Y", NA, "Y", NA)
x <- mermaid_md(ped)
# Example 4: Repeat example 3. Ticker border line for individuals in the control group (2, 5, 7).
ped$lwd <- c(1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3)
x <- mermaid_md(ped)
# Example 5: Use the default value and NA alternatively. This is not different from example 4.
ped$lwd <- c(NA, 3, NA, NA, 3, NA, 3)
x <- mermaid_md(ped)
# Example 6: Repeat example 1. Change link curve to "step" and green dashed.
x <- mermaid_md(ped[, c("ID", "SIRE", "DAM")],
curve = "step", color = "#00FF00", dash = "Y")
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