Man pages for pedigreeTools
Versatile Functions for Working with Pedigrees

DmatMendelian sampling variance
editPedEdits a disordered or incomplete pedigree
getAAdditive relationship matrix
getAInvInverse of the additive relationship matrix
getASelfingExtends the pedigree according to number of selfing cycles...
getASubsetSubset of additive relationship matrix
getGenAncestorsCounts number of generations of ancestors for one subject....
getTGene flow from a pedigree
getTInvInverse gene flow from a pedigree
inbreedingInbreeding coefficients from a pedigree
ped2DFConvert a pedigree to a data frame
pedigreeConstructor for pedigree objects
pedigree-classPedigree class
pedigreeTools-packagepedigreeTools: Versatile Functions for Working with Pedigrees
prunePedSubsets a pedigree for a specified vector of individuals up...
relfactorRelationship factor from a pedigree
relfactorInvInverse relationship factor from a pedigree
pedigreeTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 9:07 a.m.