relfactor: Relationship factor from a pedigree...

View source: R/pedigree.R

relfactorR Documentation

Relationship factor from a pedigree...


Relationship factor from a pedigree


relfactor(ped, labs)



a pedigree that includes the individuals who occur in labs


a character vector or a factor giving the labels to which to restrict the relationship matrix. If labs is a factor then the levels of the factor are used as the labels. Default is the complete set of labels in the pedigree.


Determine the right Cholesky factor of the relationship matrix for the pedigree ped, possibly restricted to the specific labels that occur in labs.


an upper triangular, sparse (right) Cholesky factor of the relationship matrix


2010. A.I. Vazquez, D.M. Bates, G.J.M. Rosa, D. Gianola and K.A. Weigel. Technical Note: An R package for fitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding. Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.


## Example from chapter 2 of Mrode (2005)

ped <- pedigree(sire = c(NA,NA,1, 1,4,5),
                dam  = c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2), label= 1:6)
(fac <- relfactor(ped))
crossprod(fac)    # the relationship matrix
getA(ped)         # the relationship matrix 

pedigreemm documentation built on Nov. 25, 2023, 1:08 a.m.