
#' @section Functions:
#' The workhorse of this package is the \code{mlfitppml} function, which allows users to carry out
#' penalized HDFE-PPML estimation with a wide variety of options. The syntax is very simple, allowing
#' users to select a data frame with all the relevant variables and then select dependent, independent
#' and fixed effects variables by name or column number.
#' In addition, the internals \code{hdfeppml} (post-lasso regression), \code{penhdfeppml} (penalized
#' regression for a single lambda), \code{penhdfeppml_cluster} (plugin lasso), and \code{xvalidate} (cross-
#' validation) are made available on a stand-alone basis for advanced users.
#' The package also includes alternative versions of \code{mlfitppml}, \code{hdfeppml}, \code{penhdfeppml}
#' and \code{penhdfeppml_cluster}. These (\code{mlfitppml_int}, \code{hdfeppml_int}, \code{penhdfeppml_int}
#' and \code{penhdfeppml_cluster_int}) use an alternative syntax: users must provide the dependent variable
#' in a vector, the regressors in a matrix and the fixed effects in a list.
#' Finally, support for the iceberg lasso method in Breinlich, Corradi, Rocha, Ruta, Santos Silva,
#' and Zylkin (2021) is in development and can be accessed at its current stage via the \code{iceberg}
#' function.
#' @inheritSection hdfeppml_int References
#' @keywords internal

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# roxygen namespace tags. Modify with care!
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#' @useDynLib penppml, .registration = TRUE
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#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
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#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
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penppml documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:58 p.m.