
#' Learning program feedback data
#' Fictional data on feedback from participants in a set of learning programs
#' @format A dataframe with 4974 rows and 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{idcode}{The unique ID code of the participant}
#' \item{rec}{A binary value indicating whether the participant would recommend the program to others}
#' \item{rel}{A rating from the participant on the relevance of the program to their work, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' \item{fun}{A rating on how enjoyable and fun the participant found the program, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' \item{clar}{A rating from the participant on the clarity of the content and teaching in the program, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' \item{home}{A rating from the participant on the quality of the homework or project work in the program, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' \item{class}{A rating from the participant on the quality of the overall class who attended the program, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' \item{fac}{A rating from the participant on the quality of the program faculty and instructors, where 1 is Very Low and 5 is Very High}
#' }
#' @examples
#' learning

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peopleanalyticsdata documentation built on April 13, 2021, 5:06 p.m.