Man pages for performanceEstimation
An Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of Predictive Models

bootEstimatesPerformance estimation using (e0 or .632) bootstrap
Bootstrap-classClass "Bootstrap"
CDdiagram.BDCD diagrams for the post-hoc Boferroni-Dunn test
CDdiagram.NemenyiCD diagrams for the post-hoc Nemenyi test
classificationMetricsCalculate some standard classification evaluation metrics of...
ComparisonResults-classClass "ComparisonResults"
CV-classClass "CV"
cvEstimatesPerformance estimation using cross validation
EstCommon-classClass '"EstCommon"'
EstimationMethod-classClass "EstimationMethod"
EstimationResults-classClass "EstimationResults"
estimationSummaryObtain a set of descriptive statistics of the scores of a...
EstimationTask-classClass '"EstimationTask"'
getIterationsInfoObtaining the information returned by a workflow when applied...
getIterationsPredsObtaining the predictions returned by a workflow when applied...
getScoresObtaining the metric scores on the different iterations for a...
getWorkflowObtain the workflow object corresponding to an ID
hldEstimatesPerformance estimation using holdout and random resampling
Holdout-classClass "Holdout"
is.classificationCheck if a certain predictive task is a classification...
is.regressionCheck if a certain predictive task is a regression problem
knnImpFill in NA values with the values of the nearest neighbours
LOOCV-classClass "LOOCV"
loocvEstimatesPerformance estimation using Leave One Out Cross Validation
mcEstimatesPerformance estimation for time series prediction tasks using...
mergeEstimationResMerging several 'ComparisonResults' class objects
metricNamesThe evaluation metrics estimated in an experiment
metricsSummaryObtains a summary of the individual metric scores obtained by...
MonteCarlo-classClass "MonteCarlo"
pairedComparisonsStatistical hypothesis testing on the observed paired...
performanceEstimationEstimate the predictive performance of modeling alternatives...
PredTask-classClass "PredTask"
rankWorkflowsProvide a ranking of workflows involved in an estimation...
regressionMetricsCalculate some standard regression evaluation metrics of...
responseValuesObtain the target variable values of a prediction task
results2tableObtains a dplyr data frame table object containing all the...
runWorkflowRun a workflow on a predictive task
signifDiffsObtains a list with the set of paired differences that are...
smoteSMOTE algorithm for unbalanced classification problems
standardPOSTA function for applying post-processing steps to the...
standardPREA function for applying data pre-processing steps
standardWFA function implementing a standard workflow for prediction...
subset-methodsMethods for Function 'subset' in Package...
taskNamesThe prediction tasks involved in an estimation experiment
timeseriesWFA function implementing sliding and growing window standard...
topPerformerObtain the workflow that best performed in terms of a metric...
topPerformersObtain the best scores from a performance estimation...
Workflow-classClass "Workflow"
workflowNamesThe IDs of the workflows involved in an estimation experiment
workflowVariantsGenerate (parameter) variants of a workflow
performanceEstimation documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.