Man pages for pgam
Poisson-Gamma Additive Models

AIC.pgamAIC extraction
aihrioSample dataset
backfittingBackfitting algorithm
bksmoothSmoothing of nonparametric terms
coef.pgamCoefficients extraction
deviance.pgamDeviance extraction
elapsedtimeUtility function
envelopeGeneric function for simulated envelope generation.
envelope.pgamNormal plot with simulated envelope of the residuals.
fUtility function
fitted.pgamFitted values extraction
fnzUtility function
formparserRead the model formula and split it into the parametric and...
framebuilderUtility function
gUtility function
linkUtility function
logLik.pgamLoglik extraction
lpnormUtility function
periodogramRaw Periodogram
pgamPoisson-Gamma Additive Models
pgam.filterEstimation of the conditional distributions parameters of the...
pgam.fitOne-step ahead prediction and variance
pgam.hes2seUtility function
pgam.likelihoodLikelihood function to be maximized
pgam.par2psiUtility function
pgam.psi2parUtility function
plot.pgamPlot of estimated curves
print.pgamModel output
print.summary.pgamSummary output
residuals.pgamResiduals extraction
summary.pgamSummary output
tbl2texLaTeX table exporter
pgam documentation built on Aug. 20, 2022, 1:06 a.m.