An Introduction to Phantom"

Phantom package is designed to investigate the heterogeneous gene sets in time-course data. There are two different modes of Phantom analysis: Individual gene set mode and batch mode.

Data and geneset input

To run Phantom analysis, user needs to provide the time course data and the geneset to be investigated. The data file should be a CSV file that follows these three rules:

1). The first cell (row 1, column A) of the CSV file must be 'gene_symbol';

2). The row names of the file must be the official gene symbols and should be unique;

3). The columns should be ordered according to time.

Then the function will be used to load in this data file:

# load in data set =

The gene set used in the analysis can be downloaded from GSEA MSigDB website (Download the GMT files with gene symbols), and load in with the function load.geneset():

# load in geneset 
geneset = load.geneset(path_to_geneset_file/geneset.gmt)

The names of all the gene sets in the loaded geneset list will be put into a vector when running the function geneset.names(). For Phantom indicidual gene set mode, user can find the name of the query gene set in this vector.

# print the names of genesets in reactome.geneset
g.names = geneset.names(geneset)

Phantom individual gene set mode

In this individual gene set mode, we use the sample embeded in Phantom package, and the REACTOME geneset, which can be downloaded from the GSEA MSigDB website (see link in section above). To run Phantom demo in individual gene set mode, use the scripts below:

# load in the demo data in phantom package

# load in the user downloaded REACTOME geneset (GMT file)
reactome.geneset = load.geneset(path_to_geneset_file/REACTOME.geneset.gmt)

# run individual gene set mode phantom analysis and store the result in an object
obj = run.phantom(data =, geneset_list = reactome.geneset,
query_geneset='REACTOME_ANTIVIRAL_MECHANISM_BY_IFN_STIMULATED_GENES', ncluster = 2, nsample = 1000)

When executing the run.phantom function, the general information of Phantom analysis will be printed on the screen (shown below), and the result figure will be generated.

## Time used for clustering random samples: 0.34 
## Time used for random sampling: 0.36 
## Time used for pareto front test: 0.01 
## 0 

Phantom batch mode

In Phantom batch mode, because of the computing time limit, we use the smaller geneset KEGG geneset as example for the analysis. Again, user can download the KEGG geneset from GSEA MSigDB website. To run Phantom in batch mode, use the following code:

# load in the demo data in phantom package

# load in the user downloaded KEGGE geneset (GMT file)
kegg.geneset = load.geneset(path_to_geneset_file/kegg.geneset.gmt)

# run batch mode phantom analysis and store the result in an object

obj = run.phantom.batch(data =, geneset_list = kegg.geneset,
                  maxncluster = 5, nsample = 1000, report_pval = 0.05, report_nmin = 5,
                  output_dir = file.path(getwd(),'/phantom_result'))

For Phantom batch mode, the analysis results will be put into a PDF file in the 'phantom_result' subdirectory under current working directory by default. User can also specify the output file directory by modifying the output_dir parameter.

Try the phantom package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

phantom documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.