Man pages for photobiologyLamps
Spectral Irradiance Data for Lamps

bentham_lampsSpectra acquired with Bentham spectrometer
lamp_brandsSpectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
lamp_colorsSpectral data for Lamps of different colours
lamps.mspctSpectral irradiance for diverse lamps
lamp_typesSpectral data for Lamps of different types
ledsavers.mspctSpectra for a multichannel LED bulb
licor_lampsSpectra acquired with LI-COR LI-1800
macam_lampsSpectra acquired with Macam SR-9010-PC
oo_maya_lampsSpectra acquired with Ocean Optics Maya2000 Pro
photobiologyLamps-packagephotobiologyLamps: Spectral Irradiance Data for Lamps
photography_lampsSpectral data for Lamps designed for specific uses
qp_uvb313_temp.spctSpectral irradiance of UVB lamps at different temperatures.
photobiologyLamps documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 5:06 p.m.