
#' Phylocom interface
#' `phylocomr` gives you access to Phylocom, specifically the
#' Phylocom C library (https://github.com/phylocom/phylocom/),
#' licensed under BSD 2-clause
#' (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
#' This package isn't doing system calls to a separately installed Phylocom
#' instance - but actually includes Phylocom itself in the package.
#' Phylocom is usually used either on the command line or through the
#' R package \pkg{picante}, which has duplicated some of the Phylocom
#' functionality.
#' In terms of performance, some functionality will be faster here than
#' in `picante`, but the maintainers of `picante` have re-written some
#' Phylocom functionality in C/C++, so performance should be similar in
#' those cases.
#' @section A note about files:
#' As a convenience you can pass ages, sample and trait data.frame's, and
#' phylogenies as strings, to `phylocomr` functions. However, `phylocomr`
#' has to write these data.frame's/strings to disk (your computer's
#' file system) to be able to run the Phylocom code on them. Internally,
#' `phylocomr` is writing to a temporary file to run Phylocom code, and
#' then the file is removed.
#' In addition, you can pass in files instead of data.frame's/strings.
#' These are not themselves used. Instead, we read and write those
#' files to temporary files. We do this for two reasons. First,
#' Phylocom expects the files its using to be in the same directory,
#' so if we control the file paths that becomes easier. Second,
#' Phylocom is case sensitive, so we simply standardize all taxon
#' names by lower casing all of them. We do this case manipulation
#' on the temporary files so that your original data files are
#' not modified.
#' @section Package API:
#' - [ecovolve()]/[ph_ecovolve()] - interface to `ecovolve` executable,
#'  and a higher level interface
#' - [phylomatic()]/[ph_phylomatic()] - interface to `phylomatic`
#'  executable, and a higher level interface
#' - [phylocom()] - interface to `phylocom` executable
#' - [ph_aot()] - higher level interface to `aot`
#' - [ph_bladj()] - higher level interface to `bladj`
#' - [ph_comdist()]/[ph_comdistnt()] - higher level interface to comdist
#' - [ph_comstruct()] - higher level interface to comstruct
#' - [ph_comtrait()] - higher level interface to comtrait
#' - [ph_pd()] - higher level interface to Faith's phylogenetic diversity
#' @name phylocomr-package
#' @aliases phylocomr
#' @docType package
#' @author Scott Chamberlain
#' @author Jeroen Ooms

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phylocomr documentation built on April 22, 2023, 1:14 a.m.