Description Usage Arguments Value See Also Examples
Calculations are based on standard endotracheal tubes. The volume is estimated as the cylinder of the given diameter and typical length of a tube of given size.
1 | ett_vol_ml(diameter_mm)
diameter_mm |
The internal diameter of the endotracheal tube in millimeters. Sizes between 2.0 and 8 are offered. Half sizes between 2.5 and 6 are accepted. |
Volumes of each given ETT in cubic millimeters
Other airway equipment: deadspace_things_ml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | ett_vol_ml(2:8)
plot(2:8, ett_vol_ml(2:8))
lines(2:8, ett_vol_ml(2:8),
xlab = "ETT internal diameter, mm",
ylab = "ETT internal volume, mm^3")
(vols_cm3 <- ett_vol_ml(seq(2, 6, 0.5)) / 1000)
# Ages through to ETT internal volume
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