
Defines functions tbl_format_body.pillar_tbl_format_setup tbl_format_body.tbl tbl_format_body

Documented in tbl_format_body

#' Format the body of a tibble
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' For easier customization, the formatting of a tibble is split
#' into three components: header, body, and footer.
#' The `tbl_format_body()` method is responsible for formatting the body
#' of a tibble.
#' Override this method if you need to change the appearance of all parts
#' of the body.
#' If you only need to change the appearance of a single data type,
#' override [vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr()] and [pillar_shaft()] for this data type.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param x A tibble-like object.
#' @param setup A setup object returned from [tbl_format_setup()].
#' @return
#'   A character vector.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("palmerpenguins")
#' setup <- tbl_format_setup(palmerpenguins::penguins)
#' tbl_format_body(palmerpenguins::penguins, setup)
#' # Shortcut for debugging
#' tbl_format_body(setup)
tbl_format_body <- function(x, setup, ...) {


#' @export
tbl_format_body.tbl <- function(x, setup, ...) {

#' @export
tbl_format_body.pillar_tbl_format_setup <- function(x, ...) {
    tbl_format_body(x$x, setup = x)

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pillar documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:19 p.m.