build_search: Build search index

View source: R/build-search-docs.R

build_searchR Documentation


Generate a JSON search index from the built site. This is used by fuse.js to provide a javascript powered search for BS5 powered pkgdown sites.

NB: build_search() is called automatically by build_site(); you don't need call it yourself. This page documents how it works and its customisation options.


build_search(pkg = ".", override = list())



Path to package.


An optional named list used to temporarily override values in ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠

YAML config

You can exclude some paths from the search index using search.exclude. Below we exclude the changelog from the search index:

  exclude: ['news/index.html']

Debugging and local testing

Locally (as opposed to on GitHub Pages or Netlify for instance), search won't work if you simply use pkgdown preview of the static files. You can use servr::httw("docs") instead.

If search is not working, run pkgdown::pkgdown_sitrep() to eliminate common issues such as the absence of URL in the pkgdown configuration file of your package.

pkgdown documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:06 a.m.