init_site: Initialise site infrastructure

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init_siteR Documentation

Initialise site infrastructure



  • creates the output directory (⁠docs/⁠),

  • generates a machine readable description of the site, used for autolinking,

  • copies CSS/JS assets and extra files, and

  • runs build_favicons(), if needed.

Typically, you will not need to call this function directly, as all ⁠build_*()⁠ functions will run init_site() if needed.

The only good reasons to call init_site() directly are the following:

  • If you add or modify a package logo.

  • If you add or modify pkgdown/extra.scss.

  • If you modify template.bslib variables in ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠.

See vignette("customise") for the various ways you can customise the display of your site.


init_site(pkg = ".", override = list())



Path to package.


An optional named list used to temporarily override values in ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠

Build-ignored files

We recommend using usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages() to build-ignore ⁠docs/⁠ and ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠. If use another directory, or create the site manually, you'll need to add them to .Rbuildignore yourself. A NOTE about an unexpected file during ⁠R CMD CHECK⁠ is an indication you have not correctly ignored these files.

pkgdown documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:06 a.m.