
Defines functions dependency_report heaviness_report

Documented in dependency_report heaviness_report

# == title
# HTML report for package dependency heaviness analysis
# == param
# -pkg An object from `pkgndep`.
# -file The path of the html file. If it is not specified, the report will be automatically opened in the web browser.
# == value
# The path of the HTML file of the report.
# == example
# if(interactive()) {
#     x = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "ComplexHeatmap_dep.rds", package = "pkgndep"))
#     heaviness_report(x)
# }
heaviness_report = function(pkg, file = NULL) {
	template_file = system.file("extdata", "package_report.html", package = "pkgndep")

	if(!requireNamespace("base64", quietly = TRUE)) {
		stop("Please install base64 package.")

	open_browser = FALSE
	if(is.null(file)) {
		file = tempfile(fileext = ".html")
		open_browser = TRUE
	tb = NULL
	n_total = nrow(pkg$df_imports)

	if(n_total > 0) {

		required_pkgs = rowSums(pkg$dep_mat)
		row_order = order(factor(pkg$dep_fields, levels = FIELDS), -pkg$heaviness)
		tb = as.data.frame(pkg$df_imports)
		tb = cbind(field = pkg$dep_fields, tb)
		tb$required_pkgs = required_pkgs
		tb$heaviness = pkg$heaviness

		tb = tb[row_order, , drop = FALSE]
		tb = cbind("Package"= rownames(tb), tb)
		tb = as.matrix(tb)

	brew::brew(template_file, file)
	if(open_browser) {


# == title
# HTML report for package dependency heaviness analysis
# == param
# -... Pass to `heaviness_report`.
# == details
# It is the same as `heaviness_report`.
dependency_report = function(...) {

Try the pkgndep package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pkgndep documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 9:08 a.m.