ganttAddTask: Add a task to a gantt object

View source: R/gantt.R

ganttAddTaskR Documentation

Add a task to a gantt object


This can be a simpler method than using as.gantt(), because tasks can be added one at a time.


  description = "",
  start = NA,
  end = NA,
  done = 0,
  neededBy = NA,



A gantt object.


A character string describing the task.


A character string indicating the task start time, in a format understood by as.POSIXct(). Set to "" (the default) to indicate that description is a heading, with no start and end time.


A character string indicating the end time, in a format understood by as.POSIXct().


A numerical value indicating the fraction done.


An integer indicating a task that depends on the completion of this task. If this is NA, then the task is not needed by any other task.


An optional value indicating the desired key value. If not given, this will default to one beyond the highest key in g. Otherwise, if key is an integer matching a task that is already in g, then that task is replaced; otherwise, the new task is placed between the tasks with integral keys on either side of the task. For example, setting key=4.5 places this between existing keys 4 and 5 (and then renumbers all keys to be integers); see “Examples”.

See Also

Other things related to gantt data: as.gantt(), gantt-class, gantt, plot,gantt-method, read.gantt(), summary,gantt-method


g <- new("gantt")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Courses") # no times, so a heading
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Physical Oceanography", "2016-09-03", "2016-12-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Chemistry Oceanography", "2016-09-03", "2016-12-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Fluid Dynamics", "2016-09-03", "2016-12-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Biological Oceanography", "2017-01-03", "2017-04-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Geological Oceanography", "2017-01-03", "2017-04-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Time-series Analysis", "2017-01-03", "2017-04-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Research") # no times, so a heading
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Literature review", "2016-09-03", "2017-04-05")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Develop analysis skills", "2016-09-03", "2017-08-01")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Thesis work", "2017-01-01", "2018-04-01")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Defend thesis proposal", "2017-05-01", "2017-06-01")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Write papers & thesis", "2017-05-01", "2018-04-01")
g <- ganttAddTask(g, "Defend thesis", "2018-05-01", "2018-05-15")
# Set 'font' for bold-faced headings
font <- ifelse([["start"]]), 2, 1)
plot(g, ylabel=list(font=font))

plan documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:10 p.m.