Man pages for plinkFile
'PLINK' (and 'GCTA') File Helpers

bedtravers variants in a PLINK1 BED fileset
CHRA dictionary to map chromosome names to integers.
DBTA decoding byte table to map raw intergers to genotype...
readBEDRead BED file
readBIMRead BIM file
readBSMRead Binary Symmetric Matrix (BSM)
readFAMRead FAM file
readGRMRead Genetic Related Matrix (GRM) of GCTA
readIBSRead PLINK Binary IBS matrix
readIIDread individual ID
readRELRead PLINK Binary REL matrix
readVCMRead Variant Count Matrix (VCM) accompanying a GCTA GRM
readVIDread variant ID
saveBEDSave BED file
saveBSMSave Symmetric Matrix to Binary
saveGRMSave symmetic matrix to GCTA GRM format.
testReadBEDTest BED Reader
testReadBSMTest Genetic Relatedness Matrix Reader
plinkFile documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:10 p.m.