Man pages for plot3D
Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data

arrows3DPlots arrows, segments, points, lines, polygons, rectangles...
colorkeyPlots a color legend
colorsColors, shading, lighting.
contour3DContours in 3-D plots.
ImageExtended image and contour plots for 2-D (and 3-D) data.
image3DImages in 3-D plots.
ImageOceanThe earths hypsometry (land elevation) and the ocean's...
legendplotPlots with legend or colorkeys outside of the plotting region
meshRectangular grids.
OxsatYearly averaged oxygen saturation from the NODC World Ocean...
persp3DPerspective plots, 3-D ribbons and 3-D histograms.
perspboxCreates an empty perspective box, ready for adding objects
plot3DPlotting multi-dimensional data.
plotdevHandling and plotting plotting lists.
scatterColored scatter plots and text in 2-D and 3-D
slice3DFunctions for plotting 3-D volumetric data.
surf3DFunctions for plotting 3 dimensional shapes
trans3DTransformation of 3D elements
plot3D documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:46 a.m.