
Defines functions degree2.partdep.yhat degree1.partdep.yhat check.grid.class get.partdep.x

# partdep.R: functions for partial dependence plots

# get the dataframe of variables we integrate over for partdeps
get.partdep.x <- function(pmethod, x, y, n.apartdep, grid.levels, pred.names)
    if(pmethod != "partdep" && pmethod != "apartdep")

    partdep.x <-
        if(pmethod == "partdep" || nrow(x) <= n.apartdep)
        else { # apartdep
            stopifnot(nrow(x) == NROW(y))
            # order on y with sample_int randomly break ties in y
            index <- order(as.numeric(y), sample.int(NROW(y)))
            # select n.apartdep equally spaced rows
            index <- index[seq.int(1, nrow(x), length.out=n.apartdep)]
            x[index, , drop=FALSE]

    if(!is.null(grid.levels)) { # grid.levels argument was specified?
        check.grid.levels.arg(x, grid.levels, pred.names)
        for(ipred in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
            grid.val <- get.fixed.gridval.for.partdep(x[[ipred]], ipred,
                                                      pred.names[ipred], grid.levels)
                partdep.x[[ipred]] <- grid.val
check.grid.class <- function(x1, xgrid, predname) # paranoia
    class.x1 <- class(x1)[1]
    class.xgrid <- class(xgrid)[1]
    # the integer check is necessary because plotmo converts
    # integer predictors to a numeric range
    if(!(class.x1 == class.xgrid ||
        (class.x1 == "integer" && class.xgrid == "numeric"))) {
        stopf("class(%s) == \"%s\" but class(xgrid) == \"%s\"",
             predname, class.x1, class.xgrid)
degree1.partdep.yhat <- function(object,
    type, nresponse, pmethod, inverse.func, trace,   # plotmo args
    partdep.x, xframe, ipred, pred.names, resp.levs, # internal args
    trace0(trace, "calculating %s for %s%s",
           pmethod, pred.names[ipred], if(trace >= 2) "\n" else " ")
    xgrid <- xframe[[ipred]] # grid of values for predictor
    nxgrid <- length(xgrid)
    stopifnot(nxgrid >= 1)
    check.grid.class(partdep.x[[ipred]], xgrid, pred.names[ipred])
    # For efficiency, predict for all values in xgrid at once.
    # This reduces the number of calls to plotmo_predict, but requires more memory.
    expanded.partdep.x <- partdep.x[rep(1:nrow(partdep.x), times=nxgrid), , drop=FALSE]
    expanded.partdep.x[[ipred]] <- rep(xgrid, each=nrow(partdep.x)) # gets recycled
    # plotmo_predict always returns a numeric 1 x n matrix
    yhats <- plotmo_predict(object, expanded.partdep.x, nresponse,
                            type, resp.levs, trace, inverse.func, ...)$yhat
    trace0(trace, "\n")
    colMeans(matrix(yhats, ncol=nxgrid), na.rm=TRUE)
degree2.partdep.yhat <- function(object,
    type, nresponse, pmethod, inverse.func, trace, # plotmo args
    partdep.x, x1grid, ipred1, x2grid, ipred2,     # internal args
    pred.names, resp.levs,
    trace0(trace, "calculating %s for %s:%s %s",
           pmethod, pred.names[ipred1], pred.names[ipred2],
           if(trace >= 0 && trace < 2) "0" else if(trace >= 2) "\n")

    n1 <- length(x1grid)
    stopifnot(n1 >= 1)
    check.grid.class(partdep.x[[ipred1]], x1grid, pred.names[ipred1])

    n2 <- length(x2grid)
    stopifnot(n2 >= 1)
    check.grid.class(partdep.x[[ipred2]], x2grid, pred.names[ipred2])

    # For efficiency, predict for all values of xgrid2 for each value of xgrid1.
    # This reduces the number of calls to plotmo_predict, but requires more memory.
    yhat <- matrix(0., nrow=n1, ncol=n2) # will store predictions in here
    pacifier.i <- n1 / 10 # for pacifier
    pacifier.digit <- -1
    expanded.partdep.x <- partdep.x[rep(1:nrow(partdep.x), times=n2), , drop=FALSE]
    for(i in 1:n1) {
        while(pacifier.i < i) { # print pacifier
            if(trace >= 0 && pacifier.digit != floor(10 * pacifier.i / n1)) {
                pacifier.digit <- floor(10 * pacifier.i / n1)
            pacifier.i <- pacifier.i + n1 / 10
        expanded.partdep.x[[ipred1]] <- x1grid[i] # whole columm all the same value
        expanded.partdep.x[[ipred2]] <- rep(x2grid, each=nrow(partdep.x)) # gets recycled
        # plotmo_predict always returns a numeric 1 x n matrix
        yhats <- plotmo_predict(object, expanded.partdep.x, nresponse,
                                type, resp.levs, trace, inverse.func, ...)$yhat
        yhats <- matrix(yhats, ncol=n2)
        yhat[i,] <- colMeans(yhats, na.rm=TRUE)
        if(trace > 0)
            trace <- 0 # only show the first call to plotmo_predict
    trace0(trace, "0\n") # print final 0 for pacifier
    matrix(yhat, nrow=n1 * n2, ncol=1)

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plotmo documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:14 p.m.