as_mcmc: Return a CODA mcmc object with the required samples

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as_mcmcR Documentation

Return a CODA mcmc object with the required samples


Given a sampler object and a specification of the samples required, return either an individual coda mcmc object, or a list of mcmc objects.


as_mcmc(sampler, selection = "theta_mu", filter = stages)



The pmwgs object containing samples to extract.


The selection of sample types to return.


A filter that defines which stage to draw samples from.


An mcmc object or list containing the selected samples.

Selecting sample types

The values that can be chosen for the selection argument can be one of the following list:


the model parameter estimate samples


the covariance matrix estimates, returns a list of mcmc objects, one for each model parameter.


the random effect estimates, returns a list of mcmc objects, one for each subject.

The default value for selection is "theta_mu"

Filtering samples

The filter argument can take one of two forms:

  • An integer vector, usually a sequence of integers, that must fall within the range 1:end.

  • A character vector, where each element corresponds to a stage of the sampling process, i.e. one or more of "init", "burn", "adapt" or "sample".

The default value for filter is all stages.


par_estimates <- as_mcmc(sampled_forstmann)
par_estimates_sample_stage <- as_mcmc(sampled_forstmann, filter = "sample")
rand_eff <- as_mcmc(
  selection = "alpha",
  filter = "sample"

pmwg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.