Man pages for pointdexter
Labels Points Inside Polygons

census_tracts_sfA simple feature of the 2010 Chicago census tracts
census_tracts_spdfA SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the 2010 Chicago census tracts
city_boundary_sfCity boundary of Chicago
city_boundary_spdfA SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the city boundary of Chicago
community_areas_sfChicago's 77 community areas
community_areas_spdfA SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of Chicago's 77 community areas
cps_sy1819Chicago Public Schools (CPS) - School Profile Information,...
GetPolygonBoundariesObtains the boundaries of the polygon(s)
LabelPointsWithinPolygonsLabels points located inside a polygon
pointdexterpointdexter: labels longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates...
pointdexter documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:29 p.m.